Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 5/12}

Last week, the average age of women giving birth to their first child was released. What is the average age, you ask? I don’t remember. Where did I read this information? On Facebook, of course! Then, I started seeing people asking, “How old were you when your first child was born?” I always seemed to be the oldest one answering; I was 35 when Lily was born and 38 when Emmy was born. However, I also happen to know that my Spin Cycle co-host, Gretchen, was 42 when her son was born.

It seemed appropriate when Gretchen suggested that we should write about “aging” for our spin this week. And it also seemed appropriate when she added that it would be a scary topic to write about.

So that’s what we’re going to do! Write about “AGING” this week, and link up your post here or at Second Blooming! What are your feelings about aging? Do you feel young in your old age? Do you feel old beyond your years? We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Mother's Day (2)
Mother’s Day 2014

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming


6 Replies to “Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 5/12}”

  1. Great topic. I was thinking about writing about childlessness again and the age at which I wanted to have a child (27, while I’m now neary 28 and not even pregnant), but I didn’t. After all, I’ve written about that before and then my family would think I’m pregnant or something (which is not feasible in my situation). Instead, I’ve written about the phase in my life I’m now in: the twisted twenties. Thanks for hosing the spin cycle. Oh, can you post the HTML codef or installing yoru badge in my post? I had to use Gretchen’s badge because I can’t work out how to link to an image if the code isn’t provided.
    Astrid recently posted…The Twisted TwentiesMy Profile

  2. I started to feel old after the second kid. I had Scarlet at 28 (nearly 29) and Des at 31 (nearly 32). I’m 33 now and often I feel that it’s very young. However then I see people who are ten years younger and I feel old. And I have such dark hair that it’s not completely dark. There are some grays in there!
    tamaralikecamera recently posted…Ready To Launch.My Profile

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