Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 4/14}

This week is Holy Week, leading up to Easter, and also Passover. So for this week’s Spin Cycle, Gretchen and I are asking you to write about your Easter or Passover traditions.

Tell us your favorite recipes, crafts, traditions; anything about Easter or Passover!

Easter Table
Our Easter table last year

Link up your post any day this week, and then come back on Friday to see what Gretchen and I write about! Please use #SpinCycle when you promote your posts.

Second Blooming

(At least two bloggers I know still have cat posts…link them up here, too!)


6 Replies to “Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 4/14}”

  1. I have all my posts pre-scheduled for the week with the girls home and have two design jobs I am working on at once, but love the prompt and wish I had more time to share, but will probably do an Easter recap after the prompt is closed sometime next week with pictures and such, but i can possibly link my Easter post from last year at some point 🙂
    Janine Huldie recently posted…All Teachers Can Change Lives By Connecting to Their Students – Office Depot & Adopt-A-Teacher ProgramMy Profile

  2. Well, both the cat/dog post and the Easter post are up and linked! Thank you for letting me do the cat/dog one for the Easter linky. And I just realised, both are quite reminiscent.
    Mara recently posted…EggsMy Profile

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