Your Spin Cycle Prompt for 12/2

I don’t mind the brown leaves, or even the gray skies. This Thanksgiving was the coldest Thanksgiving in years, and I didn’t even mind. But tonight, as we were driving to go out to dinner, we had to turn our headlights on. It was only 5:00, and it was dark. Nighttime dark. This early darkness bothers me. And so we’re going to do some California Dreamin’ this week!

When the weather starts to get cold, yucky or rainy, where do you dream of going?

Write about it, then link up with Gretchen and me for the Spin Cycle this week!

Second Blooming


8 Replies to “Your Spin Cycle Prompt for 12/2”

  1. Good thing you don’t live here then: it’s dark from about 4.30pm in the afternoon. And when you go even further up in the country, the dark has already started. And by that I mean the dark from December to about Februrary/March! When the sun doesn’t show itself at all or only for a few minutes.

    What I do when the colder weather starts? I will give it a good think…
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