Your Spin Cycle Prompt for 10/14

This week on the Spin Cycle: What does Autumn look like where you live?

I live in the Midwest, so you can imagine what Autumn looks like here. One of my sisters, however, lives on the central coast of California. My husband’s cousin lives in hot and humid Florida. My cousin splits her time between Arizona and Alaska. How cool is that? Autumn looks so different to all of us, and we all live in the same country. However, pictures of Autumn always show the leaves changing and falling off of trees, pumpkins, scarecrows and haystacks. So show us with your words and photos–what does Autumn look like to you?

Write a Spin about your Autumn any time this week, and link it up here or at Second Blooming! Your link will show up on both our blogs!

Some other things to check out:

On Friday, an article I wrote for Queen Latifah was published! See it here!

The anthology I contributed to is now available! Please check out our website: The Mother of All Meltdowns.

And just for fun: here’s a link to The Frog that launched with a space rocket! Thanks to my cousin Jim for telling me about this photo.

Have a wonderful week!


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