Ultimate Blog Party 2013

Spring is finally here! Today the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and spring flowers are starting to show their faces!

Spring crocus (2)

And when it’s Spring, it’s time for the Ultimate Blog Party at 5 Minutes for Mom!

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

I’ve met so many bloggers through the Ultimate Blog Parties in the past, and I’m looking forward to meeting even more this year! Discovering new blogs to read is always so much fun!

On my blog, I write about my life as a mom after breast cancer. I was only 27 when I was diagnosed with cancer. Now I’m the mom of two little girls who are truly the light of my life! As an older mom and breast cancer survivor, it is my wish that my blog somehow inspires those who also face challenges to have hope about the life that is ahead of them.

While I do have some tear-jerker stories on my blog, I mostly write about ordinary things that make life worth living! Lately I’ve also been making some vlogs. Here’s one I made with some bloopers. I was trying to learn the Cup Song!

Be sure to introduce yourself in the comments below if you are stopping by for the UBP!


48 Replies to “Ultimate Blog Party 2013”

  1. I remember doing that cup game when I was younger…I wonder if I could still keep up the rhythm now. πŸ™‚ Great job!

    I found you through the Ultimate Blog Party.

  2. Hi! I am here again through the UBP. I met you three years ago and your blog is on my Feedly list. It is nice to see you around again! Lauralee, Switching Classrooms

  3. How inspiring you are to overcome cancer at such a young age. It certainly must give you a different perspective on motherhood and life in general. I was diagnosed with a chronic illness at 27 and it's certainly changed my perspective on motherhood and my effort to focus on my small victories when things can get hard and frustrating. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Hope you'll stop by my blog for a visit.
    My recent post Ultimate Blog Party Time! April 5th through April 12th

  4. You're braver than I am I would never even try that not that I had ever even heard of it. But it was nice seeing you and your girls. Have a nice week.

  5. HI! Found you from the Facebook post on 5 Minutes for Mom πŸ™‚ This is my 1st year with the UBP and am new to blogging. πŸ™‚ Love your blog so far and liked you on FB! Enjoy the party!!!

  6. You are inspiring! I am visiting from UBP13. I had a cervical cancer scare when I was 29 and I had 3 boys under 5. We’ve all come a long way since then! Nice to meet you! Terrific blog!

  7. Hi, Ginny!
    I finally made it over here. I was trying to comment on new (to me) blogs first before commenting on my old favorites. I've been spending a lot more time on FB, Twitter, and Google+ this time around as well. I'm really behind on my commenting in general , but I HAVE been reading. I saw your cup song when you posted it a few weeks (?) ago. I thought you did great, but of course I loved the outtakes! And I love that you used a sippy cup πŸ™‚ Looking forward to the new Google+ community.
    P.S. Did you ever reach your goal for comments during UBP last year?
    My recent post Thank you, Mister Postman!

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