Sometimes {Spin Cycle}

Sometimes my pants droop, not because I’m thinner, but because my muffin top is pushing them down. Which is why…

Sometimes, I need to go for a walk. A brisk, 2-mile walk.

Sometimes, I actually do listen to my husband. After he installed a number code remote for our garage door, he said I should still take my keys with me on a walk or at least leave the back door unlocked. I thought, “Pfft! Now that we have a code I don’t need my keys!” A couple of weeks ago, I decided to go for a walk after I dropped the girls off at school. I thought I might as well leave the back door unlocked just in case. When I came back an hour later, the garage door code wouldn’t work. I tried it three times, then gave up and got in through the back door. I discovered that the electricity had gone out while I was gone.

Sometimes, I listen to 80’s music and dance badly while I’m doing housework. I even do the white man’s overbite.

Sometimes, I want to rebel.


Sometimes, I feel like I’m ready to take on the world.

Sometimes, all I want to do is crawl into bed under my soft, fluffy down comforter. Not because I’m tired or sick, but because it’s comforting when the world is too much to take on.

Sometimes, I watch too much TV and I wish I had an important job. I want to be smart, successful and savvy lawyer like Alicia Florrick on The Good Wife.

Sometimes, I receive a note from a preschool parent, reminding me how important I am to their child.

Sometimes I want to call my mother and ask her if I’m doing the right thing. With my kids, my husband, my house…my life.

Sometimes I remember what my mother taught me, and so I imagine what she would tell me if I could call her.

Sometimes, this helps.

What do you do sometimes?


Second Blooming



12 Replies to “Sometimes {Spin Cycle}”

  1. Oh, the muffin top, the muffin top. Sigh. Mine is out of control. I must say, I don't understand that popcorn button. It doesn't work, why do they put them on the microwaves? Actually, that would be a good "why" question for next week!

    You are linked. Actually, you were linked last night, but for some weird reason, I linked you and forgot to comment! Sorry.
    My recent post Spin Cycle: Sometimes

  2. LOL on the popcorn! Sometimes I remove that pillow tag (it looks so messy) and sometimes I eat cookie dough (SO good) and sometimes I sing while driving. Great post!

  3. I have to say there is something for everyone in your post today!

    Sometimes I want to have an exciting job — one where I save lives every day or something else equally dramatic.
    And there are definitely the times I'd like to snuggle beneath the covers.

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