First of all, let me just say that I didn’t even think about giving a gift to my children’s teachers. But just look at this cute gift that I received from one of my students!
Isn’t it adorable?
My creativity came into play when I designed my easy bat costume for the girls. Everyone thought they were cats until they spread their “wings”, which annoyed them to no end!

I volunteered to be in charge of games for Lily’s classroom party, and instead of paying ten dollars for a similar pumpkin toss game at Target:
I made my own toss game out of a box I found in the basement, scrapbook paper and Mod Podge. (LOVE Mod Podge!) I made the bean bags from two old shirts I bought last year at Good Will to make my scarecrow costume.
The highlight of Halloween this year, however, wasn’t the costumes or the Halloween parties. Did you read my Spin Cycle last week? I thought someone was lurking in the tree above me and it turned out to be an old Halloween skeleton. When I took Lily and Emmy trick-or-treating, something alive was lurking in the tree.
Right after I stopped taking this video, the gorilla took off his mask to show the kids that he was just someone dressed up in a costume. (Emmy had crept up behind me and slipped her hand into mine when the gorilla came down from the tree!) A couple of kids had started crying, so he made it up to them by making balloon animals.

Hoping your Halloween was happy!

The bat costume is PRECIOUS! Really clever. And I love the man in the gorilla costume, that's real commitment. I bet he had as much fun as the kids!
You are linked!
He told us that he wished Halloween was more than one day a year! He was definitely loving it.
Those costumes are great! And way to go on the Halloween game. Very creative! And thrifty!
Thank you! I always love using up things I already have instead of having to buy more stuff!
My recent post Little Squirrel and Little Goosey
Great fun for all and thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by, Janice!
My recent post Little Squirrel and Little Goosey
I love those bugs and kisses! What fun!
That gorilla man looks cute (I notice things like that), but I can imagine how he scared some children completely dressed up!
Oh, he was cute! (I noticed too, but shhh….don't tell Ed!)
My recent post Little Squirrel and Little Goosey
That is a very cute gift you received. Love the bat costume, you did a great job!
Looks like the kids had a scare with that gorilla in the tree.
The kids did have a scare, but it was a good kind of scare! They were all happy in the end!
My recent post Happy Birthday, Lily!
Dude, the gorilla is hot! 😉 Oh and I laughed when he jumped out of the tree, although had I been standing there with my children screaming I probably would not have thought it was as funny! Thank goodness he made it up to all the kids…and the moms (by taking off his mask!) 😉
My recent post Politics of the Playground
The full-size candy bars they were passing out helped, too!
My recent post Little Squirrel and Little Goosey
That's so nice he made them animals. Our neighbors were going up and down the street on a scooter with a chain saw terrifying kids!
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