Happy Birthday, Lily!

Eight years ago on a beautiful fall day, my oldest daughter Lily was born two weeks early. She arrived with a healthy set of lungs, and completely changed our lives.

Family of three, 2004

She held us captive since she was born. We knew she was the cutest baby ever.

Fall of 2005

And how she grew! Before we knew it she was walking and then running and then climbing around the playground.

At the playground in 2006

When she was three, she had to learn how to coexist with a new addition to the family. As long as she had Mommy’s attention, she did okay.

Naptime on Mommy, Fall 2007

Jumping ahead a few years, Lily is now a second grader, as cute and clever as ever. Happy 8th Birthday, Lily!

Lily at her 2nd grade Halloween party, 2012


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