Do you wear white gloves?
Do you flutter a fan?
Do you nibble your cookie or gulp it right down?

Do you hold up your pinky?
Do you take sips of your tea?
Do you dab with a napkin, or just use your sleeve?

How fancy are you?

Spin Cycle is all about pictures this week!
Visit Gretchen at Second Blooming for more spins!
VERY fancy! And darling! LOVE the girly, girls.
You are linked!
My recent post RTT: Paint Chips, Breastfeeders and Hot Ashes
Your daughters are beautiful! I cn't believe how big they are getting!
Tell Keith II said hello
KAthy Wendhack
Sweet post. Dress up is so much fun!
They are so cute! Me personally, I'm not too fancy… I'm a dress her up but can't take her out kinda girl! But pretending to be fancy is always fun!
My recent post Showing Kindness
Hey! Do you have a tea set? a play tea set? bring it to your photo session Sat if you do so we can be fancy together 🙂 I bought the wood for the tent today so don't forget the quilts.
I do have a tea set! I'll bring some stuff tomorrow. Looking forward to it! 😀
My recent post How Fancy Are You?
You know I am the fanciest aunt ever!
Love the fancy pinkies!
I am forced fancy. Sort of like I am forced right handed. Your girls are very fancy indeed.
I would clearly be thrown straight out of that party! 🙂
My recent post Kadriorg Palace, Tallinn
Hi Ginny! It's been ages! Hasn't it? I hope you still remember who I am! You hosted a "Coffee Friday" back in the day! And then after a while I pretty much couldn't keep up with being a mom, wife, cook, baker and blogger all at once… So my blog suffered the consequences… I thought about contacting all my old friends but first I started updating my blog and posting more recipes and stuff… so at least I would have something new to "offer" when people looked around! Now… I am hoping I'll be back for good and I am finally contacting all of you hoping you'll choose "The Coffee Shop" again! I miss the conversations and coffee with all of you! It will be great to see you there!
Love the pinky idea. Reminds me of the time that we decided to have high tea with cucumber sandwiches and several different kinds of teas. Of course, there was nobody in the room under the age of 25, but who cares. It was fun.
My recent post I am not grammatically perfect
Adorable girls! Looks like they quite enjoyed their tea party. Thanks for stopping by and making my SITS day so special!
My recent post Oh Happy Day