I Am… {A Poem}

I am awake, alive, tingling with the excitement of a new day.
I wonder, what will I accomplish?
I hear voices chattering, “Good morning, Mama!”
Barely touching the floor as they scamper around the kitchen, I see pajama-clad feet.
I want to gather up my babies, and keep them this age forever.
I am in love.

As I shower, water spraying on my face, I pretend I am a writer as ideas fly into my head.
I feel those ideas fluttering around me as beautiful glimpses of what could be.
I touch the edges of their wings, trying to tie them down.
Yet there is no pinning them to my paper. I cry with frustration.
I am bogged down by the letters, the words, the language that is inadequate to tell you how I feel.
I worry: will you understand?

I understand how little I know; how life is but a journey. And so I keep on, the constant traveler.
I say what I believe to be true. I adjust my thoughts to new ideas and new truths.
I dream to inspire.
I try to spread the love of the journey, the love of learning.
And I hope that someday, you and I will fly.
I am mother, writer, teacher.



Join in the Writing Me III project at Bigger Picture Blogs, and write your own “I Am” poem!

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20 Replies to “I Am… {A Poem}”

  1. I am…happy to become acquainted with you! πŸ™‚
    Loved your expressions in this poem about writing and struggling with words. Oh, how often I've been there, too! *grr*
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. And thanks to Gianna for having you guest-post, so we could meet each other. πŸ™‚

  2. It’s lovely! This poem has such a wonderful rhythm to it. I think you must have a very good ear for that. I especially loved these lines “I am bogged down by the letters, the words, the language that is inadequate to tell you how I feel.

    I worry: will you understand?” and the reference to yourself as a constant traveler. Thanks so much for sharing and for joining in!

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