November 12th

It’s Day 12 of blogging every day in November, and I’ve been gone for most of the day. I started my day with a cup of coffee (as usual) and got the girls dressed for a trip to Carson Pirie Scott. The hem of Lily’s snow pants probably comes up to her knees by now, so she’s due for a new pair. So the girls both got a new pair of pink snow pants, and Mommy got a new pair of boots! After lunch, we were off to get the girls haircuts. Across the street from the salon is a cute little book store, so we had to stop in. Look what I found on the sale shelf!

Source: via Ginny on Pinterest

For dinner, we drove over to see some friends and their three month old baby. The baby still has that sweet, top-of-the-head baby scent, and the cutest chubby-wubby cheeks!

Right now, Lily and Emmy are tucked into bed; Ed and I are sitting on the couch watching TV while I try to think of a blog post for Day 12….

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