Walking to the Music

Last week I won this awesome bumper sticker from Mommy Lisa, and I thought I should revise it for my training:

I’ll just slap this on my backside, and I’m good to go! I walked two miles today between rainy spells, singing along to my playlist. Thunder rumbled in the clouds above me just as I was headed for home, so I had good timing. I’m hoping the weather clears up so that I’ll be able to walk tomorrow morning.

Ten years ago, when I was walking in the Avon 3-Day Walk, I had trained in cool weather. The weekend of the walk was the first hot weather we had, and we just weren’t used to it. During the end of an exhausting second day, I remember walking along a bike path, alone. This song ran through my head as my feet pounded the ground:

I barely knew the words, but the words I did know were “I’m a survivor.” Those words played over and over in my head, keeping me going. I felt empowered. I was beating breast cancer. I was going to finish walking those twenty-some miles, no matter what. And I did.

Watching this video made me laugh. It’s so campy! But the strong words are still there; words to keep me going ten years later:

After of all of the darkness and sadness,
Soon comes happiness.

(No bumper stickers were harmed in the writing of this blog post, thanks to Photoshop Elements.)
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8 Replies to “Walking to the Music”

  1. Every generation needs their own "survivor" anthem. As long as it motivates you to do what you aspire to do it can be Destiny's Child or Gloria Gaynor! (Makes me wonder what other songs could be put in this category…hmmm)

  2. Elizabeth – I like Reba's "I'm a Survivor," too! She has such an awesome voice. I think I need to make a "Survivor" playlist! More suggestions, anyone?

  3. All I want to do is stand and give you a hug and then say "BRAVO GOD"…you are more than a survivor Ginny! Continue walking!

  4. Good for you to start training again. Even if the weather isn't all that nice!The song that tends to stick in my mind is the Dutch song to a Dutch cartoon series of the eighties: (translated) 'Today I am so happy, so happy, so happy, today I am so happy, like never before'. I sing it when I am in a very very good mood (as if you hadn't guessed)!

  5. I love it (and nice work with Photoshop!) I'm a singer as well.. well, not a real one, but to get me through the day. Looks like you found a perfect song for you. And you ARE! (For fire emergencies, I recommend "Disco Inferno." 🙂

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