New Parent Blunder

Lily was three months old at the beginning of 2005. We were in Peoria, visiting my sister, and we stayed in a hotel with a pool. We thought it would be great to take Lily swimming for the first time. We didn’t have a bathing suit for her, so we just put on a onesie instead.

Lily was very laid back in the pool. Doesn’t she look chubby for a baby who needed to have frequent weight checks right after she was born? Due to my mastectomy 14 years ago, we needed to supplement Lily’s diet with formula for about two months before I was able to breastfeed her exclusively. By the time she was three months old, we didn’t have any worries about her weight!

Lily fell asleep in the water while I was holding her. Ed snuggled with her bundled up in the towel. He was going through a phase of “letting his hair grow.” Now he cuts his hair two-three times a month so that it is very, very short. You know, because of his “high forehead.”

Our parent blunder? Apparently babies should not be in chlorinated water before they are six months old! Oops!

I’m linking up to LT’s Take Me Back Tuesday!

A Day With Two


7 Replies to “New Parent Blunder”

  1. LOL, I totally thought you were going to say she pooped in the pool! I didn't know about the chlorine thing either!! What a nice look back though, such a cutie she is!! I had to supplement both of my kids after going back to work, and my daughter never did chunk up much!!

  2. Aw, no harm done. I thought you were gonna say you had a diaper blow out, those things swell up with water and explode. I know from experience. I love the fat cheeked babies. Delicious.

  3. Oh no! Both of my kids are doomed! They were both in pools when they were itty bitty. Oh well. I've probably screwed the up worse in other ways. Love those pictures! They really helped tell the story!

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