Melissa, founder of Bigger Picture Blogs, and I are reading Wild Minds: Living the Writer’s Life by Natalie Goldberg. In her latest post about Wild Mind, Melissa apologizes for being behind in her reading, but if she’s behind, than I am way, way behind!
In Chapter 15, Natalie challenges us, the readers, to do an oral “I remember.” She tells us to do them with friends, and so here in the blogging world, telling a story means doing a vlog. In the following video, I tell about one of my first memories. (If you are reading this post in your email, please click to Lemon Drop Pie to watch the video.)
This story may sound familiar to some of you; I wrote about it a while back for Mommy’s Piggy Tales. Here’s what I wrote:
When I was little, I spent the whole summer with bare feet. So it is no surprise to me that I remember having bare feet when we were moving from Nebraska to Illinois.
I was three years old, and we were spending the night in a hotel. My grandparents, your great-grandma and grandpa, were helping us move, and Grandpa Jim was driving the moving truck. We got to the hotel first, and as we saw Grandpa Jim pulling the truck into the parking lot, I ran down the sidewalk waving to him. Great-Grandpa was just behind me, and he saw something I didn’t see — a big ol’ bumblebee, flying down from the roof of the hotel straight for my big toe! He ran up behind me, grabbed me under the arms, (I remember seeing his brown shoes) and yanked me away from that bee!
That bee had a one-track mind, and he stung my big toe anyway! It hurt like the dickens! Grandma Loreeta immediately put some ice in a bowl, and we soaked my toe in ice water. That made my toe feel a lot better!
Thank you for joining me on my trip down memory lane!