After blogging for almost six years, I’m still a small blogger. My stats are small. I read and enjoy every comment. (Except all the spammy ones. That’s what Aksimet is for!) I have never had a blog post or even a pin on Pinterest go “viral.” I’ve applied for blogging jobs and been rejected several times. I’m not a social media expert, and I don’t have a huge amount of followers. Some days I wonder why I like blogging so much.
Even though I’ve had some rejection, I keep plugging away. I’ve had some success, too. In 2013, I was so lucky to have two of my stories published in The Mother of All Meltdowns and Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dating Game. I was also chosen by BlogHer as a Heart Voice of the Year after submitting a story on a whim. What will 2014 bring? Maybe nothing. Maybe something.
Looking forward to the “maybe something” part of life is exciting, don’t you think?
One of the reasons I love 5 Minutes for Mom is that they continue to support bloggers like you and me. This is the fifth time I’ve participated in the Ultimate Blog Party–at least, I think it’s the fifth year. Every year I meet some amazing bloggers who are plugging away (sweating away? laboring away? obsessing away?) at blogging just like me!
I would love to connect with you on Twitter, Facebook, and even Google+. If you’d like to learn more about me, go to my “About Me” page.
Tell me, why do you blog?