Super Powers

It’s time for Tuesday Ten! This week, the Ten is all about Super Powers. What superpowers would I choose to have?

10. Turn Back Time. I don’t want to change the future or do anything rash, but as Cher sings, “If I could turn back time…I’d take back those words that have hurt you.” I’d like to take back hurtful words I said when I spoke without thinking.

9. Add more hours to the day. Because really, I need them. How else will I read a book, write a blog post, finish my quilt, play with my children and save the world? I need more time!

8. Mary Poppins magic. I’ll just snap my fingers and the house will clean itself!

7. Instant chef powers. A delicious gourmet meal will be in the kitchen every evening right around 5:30! And of course not only will the adults love it, but the kids will eat it, too. Now that’s a super power!

6. Multitasking. I’d truly be able to multitask. I say I can do it, but I really can’t. I can only do one thing at a time to do it well.

5. Super strength. I’d be able to shovel our long, wide driveway in no time at all! Did you hear we’re expecting more snow today in Chicago?

4. X-ray vision. I would be able to see all the rooms in my house from the comfort of the couch and determine who was doing homework and who was getting into trouble! I could also use it at will; no one wants to see their husband in the bathroom. At least I don’t.

3. Instantaneous travel. I would be able to go have lunch with my sisters and be back in time to pick up the kids from school!

2. Giving true comfort. When words just aren’t enough to comfort someone who is grieving or depressed, this super power gives a friend the true feeling of peace.

1. Power of healing. Like Rapunzel’s hair, I would be able to heal the smallest boo-boo and cure the most deadliest diseases. There is one family member I would wish to cure right now; my cousin Mark has cancer and is always in my prayers.

Tuesday Ten is hosted by Lisa from The Golden Spoons and Rabia from The Liebers. Visit their blogs for more Tuesday Ten!

What super power would you choose?

Tuesday Ten



Ten Things I Should Say More Often

10 things I should say

This week for Tuesday Ten, Lisa and Rabia challenged us to think of ten things we should say more often, and I have to admit, I had trouble with this one! Here’s what I came up with.

10. “What game do you want to play?” So often I get stuck in “I have to get things done” mode when my daughters are in “We want to play” mode. I need to give in and play with them while they are still little!

9. “It’s okay if you make a mess. We can clean it up together.” Many projects my daughters want to do are messy. But they are also so fun!

8. “Thank you for making the coffee.” My husband makes the coffee every single day. I love him for it!

7. “I need help.” I need to get over my “mommy martyr status” and ask my family to help around the house. My daughters can easily help me load and unload the dishwasher and put away the laundry!

6. “Yes, you can help me.” Sometimes they want to help, but I just want to do it myself because it’s easier! If my daughters learn how to do something, they will do it better next time. For example, I have trouble letting them help me bake. They love to break the eggs and beat them, but it’s so much easier (and less messy) if I do it myself.

5. “No.” Sometimes I just need to say “no” instead of “maybe,” and stick with it. No means no, especially when Emmy wants candy for breakfast.

4. Saying “yes” and then following through. I’ve told my daughters that yes, we could do something, and then I put of off until we never actually do it!

3. “You are awesome.” My kids already know I think they are awesome. But does my husband? I need to say this to him more often. Because he is pretty awesome.

2. “I’m listening.” And then I need to really listen. To my kids, my husband, my sisters…really listen.

1. I say it often, but it always bears repeating: “I love you.”

What things do you want to say more often?

Tuesday Ten is hosted by Lisa from The Golden Spoons and Rabia from The Liebers. Visit their blogs for more Tuesday Ten!

Tuesday Ten
