I love having a big purse because I love being prepared…for anything! So I have more then ten things in my purse, and I also carry a lot of the kids’ things in my purse. Here are 10 things I have in my purse today for Tuesday Ten:
10. Fun Chop – We ate dinner at Pei Wei the other night. Emmy loves using Fun Chop to help her hold chop sticks, and Lily insists on holding her chopsticks without it, so I always end up with one in my purse. What is a Fun Chop? It’s a plastic chop sticks holder that keeps them together so that all kids have to do is squeeze the chopsticks like a big pair of tweezers. Fun!
9. Chicago Wolves hockey cards – We went to a hockey game on Sunday, and everyone got a free pack of hockey cards!
8. My Nook – I normally don’t carry my Nook in my purse, but this afternoon I had my mammogram. I need something to read besides those outdated fashion magazines that hang out in medical facilities. Today I was reading Then I Became a Mother by Robin Kramer. Wait until you read my review later this month…it’s so good!
7. Spray hand sanitizer – no explanation needed!
6. My keys – with two beaded key chains that Lily and Emmy each made for me when they were in preschool.
5. My wallet – full of essentials.
4. Bubble Yum bubblegum, which Emmy insisted on buying during our trip to Target during Lily’s piano lesson.
3. Blistex and other lip balms and lip sticks, to make my lips pretty!
2. A small notebook and a pen – to write notes in at meetings or for blog posts, and to keep my children occupied if they get bored.
1. My camera in its pink case – for my blog and to take pictures of the girls. I also take videos with my camera, like this one I took at the beginning of the Wolves game on Sunday. (Ed was a little disappointed that they don’t play Def Leppard’s “Rocket” any more, but they still do a pretty awesome job!)
Tuesday Ten is hosted by Lisa from The Golden Spoons and Rabia from The Liebers, and they want to know what’s in your purse!
What is the most unique item in your purse right now?