Emmy vs. the canoe

It seemed like such a simple idea. Ed and I had decided to rent a canoe and spend a couple of hours on the lazy Clarion River with Lily and Emmy. 

Our excitement rose as the van driver took us to the canoe launch. The girls had their life jackets on and sat in the middle of the canoe as Ed and I pushed it in the water. The day was hot and hazy, but a cool breeze floated along the water. Ed and I hopped in, ready to enjoy the next 4 miles on the river.

Then the canoe wobbled, got stuck on the rocks, and Emmy burst into tears.

We tried to console her as Ed hopped out of the canoe to push us off the rocks. But she wasn’t hearing any of us tell her it was okay. It was the middle of July, and so the depth of the water was not very deep. It had never even occured to Ed and me that the wobbly, tippy feeling of a canoe would terrify our youngest daughter so much. She had a death grip on the bar in front of her, knuckles turning white, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Lily, of course, loved every minute.

We got stuck a few more times in the shallow parts of the river, and as Emmy got used to the feeling of the canoe and Ed and I managed to start avoiding some of the bigger rocks, she even started to enjoy our adventure.

Emmy was NOT going to let go of that metal bar in front of her, however. She was very relieved when our canoe ride was over and she was back on solid ground.

I think we may be able to convince her to ride another canoe next summer.

Emmy makes peace with those wibbly wobbly canoes.

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Friday Follow-Up: Mac ‘n Cheese

A couple of years ago, we discovered that our local grocery stores were no longer selling our favorite mac ‘n cheese. While this was a disappointment to the girls and me, someone was even more disappointed.

My husband, Ed.

He was the one who introduced me to this little box of happiness, after all. During his bachelor days, President’s Choice White Cheddar was a main staple of his diet.

When he discovered that our store wasn’t offering it any more, he requested some information and learned that the President’s Choice brand was only going to be sold in Canada. We tried to find substitutes. We found some good mac ‘n cheese, but none was quite as good.

So Ed planned a vacation to Canada for the sole purpose of buying President’s Choice Mac ‘n Cheese.


Just a couple of weeks ago, we traveled to Canada just to go grocery shopping. Ed was so happy to find plenty of boxes of mac ‘n cheese on the shelves, he just about cried.

Tears of joy!

He bought ten boxes, and we worried that might not be enough!

Oh, yes, we may have also seen Niagara Falls, too.

Disclosure: Ed really does love President’s Choice White Cheddar Mac ‘n Cheese. This is his own opinion, and we were not compensated in any way for this post. Not even with mac ‘n cheese; we paid for those boxes fair ‘n square and we don’t have to share!

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