Where in the World? Touring Northern Illinois

Have you heard of our infamous former Illinois governor? In 2008, Rod Blagojevich decided to make cuts in our state budget, and this included closing some of our state parks. We decided to visit these state parks before they were closed to the public. This slideshow has pictures from White Pines State Park, Castle Rock State Park, and Lowden State Park. The governor who replaced Blagojevich has reopened the closed state parks, much to our relief!

Do you have a place or a trip that you’d like to share with us? Show us Where in the World you’ve been!

A little sidenote: I originally had the slideshow above play to “Wide Open Spaces” by the Dixie Chicks, and YouTube informed me I was probably infringing on copyright law. So being the goody two-shoes responsible person that I am, I replaced the music with something benign. Nothing (probably) would have happened to me if I had left the slideshow the way it was…but I just felt the need to change it. (Why is “Breakin’ the Law” by Judas Priest suddenly playing over and over in my head?)

Where in the World? Tahquamenon Falls, That’s Where!

Don’t let the title of my new blog carnival fool you: I have not traveled the world! But I do love to travel, and so I started “Where in the World? Wednesdays” to tell you about some of the places I’ve been. I may also include some tips on traveling with kids or show you some of the places around my home town, and I invite you to do the same!

Last summer we spent quite a bit of time exploring the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Ed decided he wanted to visit Tahquamenon Falls. Was it because these impressive falls are one of the largest waterfalls east of the Mississippi? Was it because this is the land of Longfellow’s Hiawatha: “by the rushing Tahquamenaw” Hiawatha built his canoe?

No, it was because of the Tahquamenon Falls Brewery right next to the falls. There’s nothing Ed likes better than a good microbrewery! Leave it to Ed to plan our vacation around beer. The brown tinge to the water is not caused by all that beer; instead, it is a natural coloring called tannin from the cedar, spruce and hemlock swamps that drain into the river.

And here I am, trying to look calm and relaxed on my wonderful vacation with a squirmy toddler and an ornery preschooler, right in front of the huge DANGER sign. I think I needed that beer more than Ed.

Now it’s your turn! Grab a button and tell us where YOU’ve been! We want to know!

Next week, I’m going to write about my favorite BEACH. So think sun, think sand, think swimming! Write a post about your favorite beach! (Don’t go to the beach? Don’t worry! Write about any place you want to, and come link up your post anyway!)

Happy traveling!