Turning Back Time: The White Horse

My Grandma always wanted me to have her white, plaster horse.

I don’t remember the details of how she received this horse, only that it was a gift to her from her grandmother, or perhaps her mother.

I don’t know where this horse came from; I seem to recall that it came from Europe.

Who made this horse? There are no markings to give me a clue.

But Grandma always wanted me to have this horse, because when I was a little girl, I had a love for horses.

Do you have a special memento that you would like to share with us? Link up your post or tell us about it in the comments below!

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What Is Turning Back Time?

Have you seen The Notebook? At the end of the movie, (spoiler alert!) we find out that the notebook is a journal of a young couple’s romance. This young couple has grown old together, and the husband is reading the notebook to his wife. They are reliving their memories together, because the wife has dementia and doesn’t remember her past.

While The Notebook itself might not be everybody’s cup of tea, in an indirect way this movie tells the value of recording your life.

I created the meme “Turning Back Time” to give us the opportunity to remember stories from our past. Writing these stories down will be wonderful to read when we’re older. It will be a history of our past not only for our children, but also for ourselves. I love writing down memories of my mom and grandparents because remembering them brings them closer to me.

Here are some ways YOU can use “Turning Back Time”:

  • Record a memory from your own childhood.
  • Remember a story told by your parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles.
  • Write a story about your own children’s past (or present) to help them remember their childhood when they are older.
  • Use the prompts as an interview question for a member of your family.
  • Most of all, have fun recording the memory and remember, your story is worth telling!

NEXT WEEK: Have you received something from a member of your family that you will never get rid of? Tell us what is it is and why it has special significance. This memento can be ANYTHING! A funny sketch on a napkin? A special letter? An old, family heirloom? Write a special post about your memento, and then come back on Tuesday to link up your post!

What memento would you like to write about for next week?

Click below to answer this question, and include a link to your blog! I’ll answer first, to show you how. (I’ve never used this linky tool before, and am excited to see how it works! I hope you’ll join in!)

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