Fat Heads and Other Random Tuesday Thoughts

On the way home from preschool yesterday, we were stopped by a freight train. Usually, I just look at the graffiti on the train cars as they go by, but yesterday I noticed something else. Painted on one of the boxcars cruising by was this: “Canadien National.” I’m not the world’s greatest speller, but even I saw that something was off. I looked at the next CN boxcar. It read: “Canadian National.” And then the next: “Canadien* National.” And then the next one: “Canadian National.” Hey, at least they’ve got a pattern going on!

Lily and Emmy both received some stuffed animals for Christmas. My sister-in-law gave Lily a zebra, and Emmy a cheetah. These stuffed animals have the biggest heads EVER! As I was looking at the tag, I noticed that there was a picture of a dog on the tag. Why was there a picture of a dog? Because my SIL bought Lily and Emmy DOG TOYS for Christmas! Isn’t that HILARIOUS?!? (She liked these stuffed animals so much, she bought herself a giraffe!)

*My husband found out that “Canadien” is the French spelling of “Canadian.” So there is a reason for the “misspelling!”

Head on over to Canadien Canadian Keely’s blog for a little more random!

Random Tuesday Thoughts: Actually Random

Emmy woke up early this morning, and I tried to take her to bed with me. She screamed “I AM AWAKE!!” in my ear. So guess what? I’m awake this morning, too.

For Christmas, I bought each of the girls a small pink toy laptop. They are having a lot of fun with them, especially Lily, since she’s actually old enough to follow the game directions! This morning, Lily made a request that I thought was perfectly reasonable. She would like a desk in her room to put her laptop on, so that it has a permanent home.

Emmy had a request, too. When Lily was asking for a desk, Emmy asked, “Mom, can you buy me Tootsie Rolls to put in my pockets?”

I let the girls pick out some Goldfish crackers at the grocery store yesterday, and there’s a new flavor called “Garden Cheddar.” Is that marketing aimed at moms or what? Tell me seriously; do they really expect that a kid is going to want to eat Goldfish with the name “Garden Cheddar?” What is Garden Cheddar, anyway? Is the word “garden” supposed to make us think that there are actually vegetables in Goldfish? That garden cheddar flavor is healthier in some way? Hmmm…I need to go check this out….

(Just hum the Jeopardy theme to yourself for a minute, ‘kay?)

Okay…just came back from the Pepperidge Farm website, where they do make the claim that eating one serving of Goldfish is a 1/2 serving of vegetables. This. is. ridiculous. So sneaky. I prefer to outright force my kids to eat vegetables. It goes something like this: “Eat your broccoli OR ELSE!”

I’ve finally found a vegetable that Emmy will eat–frozen peas. She won’t touch cooked peas, but she loves frozen peas.

If you ran away to join the circus, which job would you want? Tight rope walker? Trapeze artist? Lion tamer? I’d like to ride a horse, bareback, and do tricks. I’d get to wear sparkly costumes and be adored by the crowd. It’s a little tempting, isn’t it? And totally random!

Now, click over to Keely’s Random Tuesday Thoughts over at the Un-Mom, OR ELSE!