Random Tuesday Thoughts: The Grocery Store

Today I’m feeling terse. Short. Clipped. Choppy. Straight to the point. Winter blah-y. Uninspired.

Blogs are supposed to have catchy titles. Titles that grab people’s eye and make them want to read more. See the best I could do today? BORING.

I only go in the south door at the grocery store. That’s where I park, and that’s where I come out. Why? Because the north door has a nasty bump where the concrete meets the blacktop that I always hit with the cart, jerk to a stop, give Emmy whiplash, and have to lean down on the cart’s handle to try to make it over the bump without upsetting the cart. I hate the north door.

Mary bags my groceries sometimes. She plopped the potatoes right on top of the rolls yesterday. But I don’t care. She kisses Emmy right on the forehead and thinks she’s cute. Mary has Down’s. One of the things I like about my grocery store is that they hire people with different challenges in life.

I wanted to buy the store brand Sloppy Joe seasoning packet. 10 for $10.00. I only wanted one. But all the packets on the shelf were torn and the seasoning was scattered everywhere. My kids didn’t do it. Honest. So I had to buy the name brand packet. 3 for $5.00. Grrr.

You know it’s a long winter when a trip to the grocery store is the only thing happening in my life. Talk about cabin fever. I really need to get out.

Check out Keely’s random thoughts over at the Un-Mom. She’s sure to be more interesting than me.

Random Tuesday Thoughts: Written with No Pants!


I’m just kidding, I’m wearing pants…. My husband’s dream is to be able to walk around without pants. He always jokes about it with the neighbors; how they might just see him without pants if they stop by unexpectedly. “This is take your pants off good!” he’ll exclaim about something yummy, usually dark chocolate. When I’m getting ready in the morning and drying my hair with no pants on, he’ll yell, “Mommy, you can’t go outside with no pants on!” He gets a laugh out of Lily, anyway. I used to laugh, but after six years of marriage…well, I digress.

So last Saturday was made for Ed. It was No Pants! Subway Ride day. Too bad Ed didn’t know about it in advance. Maybe next year, Edward. Those pantless riders were out in a snowstorm this year, another thing Ed loves. Put those two things together: no pants, snow, and what have you got? Ed Nirvana. Just add dark chocolate and whoa…that’s take your pants off good!

Let’s just stop that train of thought right there.

Because there a snowstorm, it was a great day to run errands. Both the post office and bank were practically empty, which I thought was unusual for a Saturday afternoon. As I was driving home, a Jeep Cherokee fishtailed behind me. A couple blocks down, a GM type SUV was perpendicular to the road, stuck in a snow pile. I think all us non-four wheel drivers were giggling a little bit as we drove past.

So this post is later than usual; I’ve had quite a morning. My toddler had a coughing fit in the wee hours of the morning, and so we were up for about an hour. While we were getting ready she wanted me to hold her constantly. I decided to go the grocery store during Lily’s preschool…one less child to shop with…and Emmy had another coughing fit right after she had some bites of free deli cheese. And she threw up everywhere. On herself, on me, on the floor. Fortunately, the store was practically empty, so the deli lady (the one who gave us the free cheese) was very kind and helped me out. Thank you, deli lady and clean-up man!!

More random thoughts are available for your perusal at The Un Mom, courtesy of Keely.