Our Favorite Hangout

Thank you to everyone who linked up their blog posts last Monday! Don’t worry if you missed it; there’s another linky at the bottom of this blog post! The blog post with the most “likes” last week was The Girl I Used to Be, from There’s Just One Mommy! If you haven’t read it yet, go read it now, and then come back to link up your Monday post.

I have a Chili’s gift card burning a hole in my wallet. On Saturday, we took my brother-in-law to the airport, and I thought it would be fun to go to Chili’s right by the airport. The parking lot looked full, so I ran in to check the wait time–an hour and a half! Ed said he had a better idea, and I knew what it was as soon as he said it.

We were going to Countryside.

Countryside Saloon used to be our place. Ed and I spent every weekend at Countryside before we had kids. It was were we would just talk and talk over a couple of beers and a pizza. The thin crust pizza is so crisp and the edges are burnt just a tiny little bit. All their other food is just as good as the pizza. During the long summer evenings, we would sit out on the deck and relax after a long week.

We don’t go to Countryside very often these days. When we do, we still order a pizza and beer. We also add a couple of lemonades to our order. Ed and I don’t get to talk as much as we used to. There are two little ones competing for our attention. We don’t mind, though. The girls love Countryside pizza as much as we do.

Do you have a place where you love to hang out?

meme free mondaysWhy “Meme-Free Mondays?” Because there’s no meme rules to follow!

Simply link up your Monday post here!


Monday, Mondays

Sundays are for sipping coffee and reading the Sunday paper. Sundays are for singing in church and going to brunch with the family.

Sundays are for writing blog posts.

Wait, what did I just write?

Mondays are a big blogging day. New material is a must for a blog’s readers. But instead of writing a new blog post, I curled up on the couch while the frigid February rain pinged on the windows. As my children ran around the living room hitting a red balloon back and forth, I read my book. I did the dishes. I installed a new smoke and carbon monoxide detector. (Yes, I really did!)

On Sunday nights I usually sit on the couch, a blank computer screen on my lap, and The Good Wife on television. Usually, I plan on writing a blog post. My plans go down the drain as I become engrossed in the plot, put the laptop to the side and close it so I can enjoy my show. (Last night was the Grammy’s, which I should have watched and didn’t. Did you?)

For my blog, however, this is not a good routine.

So I had an idea as I was thinking about what to post on Mondays. I need some sort of motivation so that my Monday posts don’t become my Tuesday posts–or even worse, my Friday posts!

Let’s have a Monday blog hop! If you published a blog post today, enter your link below. If you don’t blog, you can still “like” the links down below. To join the blog hop, just click “Get the code here,” then copy and paste the code into your own post. The more blogs that join in, the more fun it will be! (Plus, I need an excuse to use a linky.) I’ll feature the post that receives the most “likes” next Monday. You can link back to my blog, but it’s not necessary.

meme free mondays

Do you have as much trouble writing a Monday blog post as I do?
