Valentine’s Day Heart Craft

Happy Valentine's Day

Yesterday I was playing around with cutting out hearts and glitter. Yes, glitter! I love glitter, but not the mess it makes! In this video I show you the cut-out heart I made, along with a little trick to try to keep the glitter in its place. I also tried to inject a little humor into my vlog. Funny? Not so funny? (My kids didn’t think I was funny AT ALL. But they want to make the paper heart this weekend.)

Watch video here.

I also have a couple of housekeeping reminders to share with you; don’t forget to write about a football term and link up with the Spin Cycle by Friday! (You really don’t have to know anything about football to write. See more details here.)

My book The Mother of All Meltdowns is on sale for Valentine’s Day! Go to our Create Space website and use the password moam123. Get an actual copy of the book for 50% off the regular price with the code 75N5ZSBR!

Go to our Create Space web address, and use the password moam123.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Easy Groundhog Day Craft and Song

Groundhog Day is one of my favorite days! (Psst…February 2nd is my birthday!)

Groundhog Day craft

Of course you know that a groundhog has no relation to a pig, but did you know that a groundhog is also called a woodchuck? So it would be entirely appropriate to say, “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” on Groundhog Day!

Emmy and I put together an easy craft for Groundhog Day instead. Watch how to make it in the video below. Lily is videotaping us, and I apologize for the shakiness! Emmy and I also sing a little Groundhog song for you. The words are below.

Watch video here.

Tune: I’m a Little Teapot

Here’s a Little Groundhog

Here’s a little groundhog furry and brown
He’s coming up to look around.
If he sees his shadow, down he’ll go,
Then six more weeks of winter, OH NO!

(lyrics: author unknown)

Happy Groundhog Day! 😉

Linked to the Pin It Party!
