Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 2/3}

Football is over for the season! (Did you watch the Superbowl last night? What did you think?)

For Spin Cycle this week, pick a football term such as Fumble, Monday-Morning Quarterback, Hail Mary Pass, Game Plan or Run Interference and apply it to your life. What’s your football spin?

Come back on Friday to read Gretchen and my football spins!

Second Blooming


4 Replies to “Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 2/3}”

  1. I kept racing down to watch just the commercials, while I was writing today’s post. It was such a pain that I eventually gave up and told my husband to just rewind if something great happened.
    I did enjoy many of the commercials.
    I realize you asked about the game..but..I didn’t watch any of it!
    tamaralikecamera recently posted…On Planes & Monorail Trains.My Profile

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