I feel bad for my little Emmy. I feel bad because she wears all of her older sister’s hand-me-downs. Poor thing doesn’t get a new Christmas dress or new Christmas shoes. The only new thing she’ll wear on Christmas is new tights. Fortunately, at three years old, the sparkles on her sister’s old dress are still shiny enough for her. She doesn’t even realize she is making a sacrifice for our household’s finances. But what about when she is older? I doubt she will be as eager to wear her sister’s cast-offs.
We don’t know much about Jesus’ young life. What was his childhood like? Did he have younger siblings? Did his little brothers wear Jesus’ hand-me-downs? Did they resent walking in Jesus’ old, cast-off, worn out sandals?
What would they think if they realized that today so many of us try, unsuccessfully, to walk in Jesus’ shoes?