Art Matters {Spin Cycle}

I remember when my mom and dad brought my little sister home from the hospital. I thought she was the most precious baby ever! I was eight years old and couldn’t wait to hold my new baby sister. But I had the sniffles, and I was afraid I would make her sick. If I remember correctly, I washed my hands really well, and my mom placed Heather in my arms anyway.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about my sister Meredith and her music compositions for Spin Cycle. When I asked Gretchen, our Spin Cycle hostess, to provide “art” as a prompt so I could tell you about my other little sister, she kindly obliged! (Thanks, Gretchen!)

For almost as long as I can remember, Heather has been creative. Whether it was choosing her own clothes and fixing her hair in wild arrangements, sewing little blankets and clothes for her dolls, or drawing pictures, Heather had creativity in her blood. When mothers came to my classroom door and apologized for their daughters’ strange clothes or hair, I told them that my sister used to do the exact same thing and she turned out alright. Now my own daughters come to school with crazy hair and clothes, and I’m the mother shaking my head. Just like my mom did with Heather, I let my daughters express themselves in fashion, with weird and sometimes wonderful results.

When I was a horse crazy tween (although nobody used the word “tween” back then), Heather drew a picture of a horse just for me. I still treasure it. Not everyone gets a green and pink horse from their little sister!

My pink and green horse

Now a professional artist, Heather’s paintings are a little more abstract.

One of my favorites!

Heather is a professor at Bradley University. She has had several gallery exhibitions, and this August we are going to Peoria, IL for two openings. If you are in the area, stop by! Be sure to say “hi!”

See more of Heather’s artwork on her website: Heather Brammeier

Intuitive Geometry, at Pearce Gallery, Dunlap, IL
Opening Reception August 17, 2012, 6-8 p.m.

Via Alternate Descriptions, at The Peoria Art Guild, IL
Opening Reception August 18, 2012, 6-8 p.m.

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming

Written as part of Gretchen’s Spin Cycle prompt, “Art”.

Thank you for indulging me as I brag about my sisters! 😉
