Movers and Shakers
Lily is one of the most stubborn kids I know. She will insist that her way is the right way; that she is right when it is obvious she is not. For example, she will ask me where one of her prized stuffed animals is. She has a little stuffed husky that her grandpa bought her in Alaska, named “Cute”. Cute will disappear, and Lily will ask me to help her find Cute. Lily tells me Cute is in the bedroom; I find Cute in the living room. “NO!” Lily will yell, “CUTE IS NOT IN THE LIVING ROOM! SHE IS IN MY BEDROOM!!”
Oh, Lily.
Her stubbornness, however, has earned a new name–persistence.
Please permit me to brag a little about my daughters.
One day this spring, Lily decided that it was time to buy new shoes with laces. I took her to Target, and we found a cute pair of shoes. I expected to be tying her shoes for her all summer.
She learned how to tie her shoes that same day.
Last weekend, she told Ed to remove the training wheels from her bike, because she was ready to learn how to ride a two-wheeler. With Ed running behind her, she learned how to ride that bike in four days. Her lanky legs look banged up from the intense bike riding she’s been doing.
Emmy is not going to be left behind. While Lily was learning how to ride her bike, Emmy learned how to pedal.
Don’t worry, Aunty M., Lily wears a helmet when she is riding her bike!