Christmas Lights are UP!

This weekend, we put up the Christmas tree and Ed hung our lights out on the house. We look so festive! As we were driving home from the mall tonight, Lily asked why we didn’t have as many lights up as other people did. I simply told her the truth. We’re lame.

I’m doing all right these days. Grief catches me off guard, though. Emmy is giving signs of not wanting her nap, and I almost picked up the phone to call Mom. Mom gave me a special Christmas ornament last year, which I had forgotten about until Ed handed it to me. The other night at choir rehearsal, some simple words in an Advent carol reduced me to a blubbering ball of mush. Sometimes it takes me a while to recover and stop the tears; other times I take a deep breath and continue with the task at hand.

The past couple of night, I have dreamed about Mom’s funeral. I wake up sad, but maybe these dreams are helping me to process Mom’s death. It still doesn’t seem fair. I expected Mom grow old with Dad; to help me raise my daughters; to celebrate many, many more Christmases with us. It just doesn’t seem fair.

Yet, as Dad puts it, we go on.


At the end of the day, I always seem to look around the house and think, “Why didn’t I get more done?” My kitchen counters become cluttered with library books, preschool papers, bills and canned goods. My living room overflows with board books, pillows and wooden puzzle pieces. My bed is piled with clean but unfolded laundry.

Today was no different. I started the day helping Lily take a shower and coaxing Emmy through constipation. (She pooped on the potty!) Then it was off to drop Lily off at preschool while Margaretha and I went to a MOPS steering committee meeting. After lunch, the girls and I went outside, and I shoveled the driveway with their “help.” (It’s a miracle I managed to clear the whole driveway!) After a small snack, my neighbor called and asked me to babysit her one-year old, which I love doing. Soon after, it was time for Lily’s ballet class and dinner. Bedtime for the girls, and a couple of TV shows later, I’m ready for bed.

The kitchen counter is still covered with clutter, the living room is picked up, kind of, and the laundry is back in the laundry basket, unfolded.

It’s been a pretty satisfactory day.