Angels We Have Heard on High

“Move along,” the Roman guard said to the group of travelers.

That was our cue. There was a rustling of chip bags and a swishing of blue, glittering curtains, moving to hide the lunch bags. Hands clasped together and smiles on our faces, we waiting for the guide to lead her family to us. Just out of sight, we could hear the tax collector trying to extort the family out of money needed to travel home. Every time he came up with a new name for the Roman Soldier assigned to him, I would look at my fellow angels and silently giggle.

“These are slow travelers so late at night, Joelus Septimus.”

“Do you recognize this family from last year, Joelius Republicus?”

“It looks like this family has prospered this year, Joelicus Optimus.”

As the group rounded the corner, we took a breath and started to sing.

Gloria, gloria, in excelsis Deo!
Gloria, gloria, alleluia, alleluia!

View video here.

We angels recited our lines, bowed our heads, and waited for the people to go to the next stop.

Participating behind the scenes in the Bethlehem Walk at our church was so exciting for my two little girls. They knew they were bringing the Christmas Story to life, and it thrilled them to no end.

They were not perfect little angels. They might have had trouble behaving in between scenes. I was an exhausted mother at the end of our shift. But oh! What a way to begin our Christmas season!


Why Mommy was cranky on Christmas Eve

My sister must have thought I was a crazy woman. She was in my dad’s dining room, and I was yelling:





Finally, just as I was about to give up, a nice photo appeared on my camera’s screen.

For once, it was the four year old that was smiling for the camera and the seven year old who was not.

Given all my frustration with Lily when I was trying to take a cute picture of my two girls, I couldn’t help but laugh after I downloaded the pictures on my laptop. Oh, those faces I captured on Lily! (I didn’t even include them all in the collage above!)

Besides my crankiness on Christmas Eve, we had a lovely Christmas.

How was yours?
