When Emmy was feeling anxious about using an iTouch at school for center time, I knew I wanted to buy some kind of gadget with a touch screen for us to use at home. Neither Ed or I have a smart phone, and our e-readers are the boring black-and-white devices. True e-ink technology, which we both wanted for reading, since we both strain our eyes during the day on our computer screens.
On Christmas Eve, I looked under the tree and then looked at Ed. “Do they have enough presents to open?” I asked him.
“I think so,” he said. One of the gifts was the expensive item I wanted for the whole family. We bought the girls only a couple of other gifts to open. They had already opened the new pajamas we bought that evenings so that they could wear them to bed.
On Christmas morning, the girls ran down the stairs and looked in their stockings. They got a few stocking stuffers and were just as happy as could be. They didn’t look under the tree until Ed and I prompted them to.
They opened their Yahtzee game and a book together; Lily received a magic kit she wanted, and Emmy got a drawing kit. And then the big present which was for the whole family: a Nook Tablet!

After we opened presents together, both girls told us, “We didn’t expect to get so many presents for Christmas!”
Now that was a gift that I didn’t expect!
Did you receive an unexpected gift? Tell us about it in the comments!