A Superlative Post-Christmas List

Most Thoughtful Gift

It’s the classic husband/wife difference. Ed dislikes opera and I like it. This fall, I jokingly said to Ed, “I’m never going to get you to the Lyric Opera, am I?”

A couple of years ago, a friend asked Ed to play his trombone for a performance of Utopia, Limited, and a love for Gilbert and Sullivan was born. When Ed discovered that the Lyric Opera is performing The Mikado, he immediately ordered tickets online. Voila – the perfect gift for his wife! I might have teared up a little bit when I discovered the tickets on Christmas morning.

Most Creative Christmas Decoration

At the beginning of December, I bought a cute decorative sled at Hobby Lobby, along with greens and sparkly doo-dads with which to fill it. The supplies sat on my dining room table for about three weeks. In an attempt to clean off my table, Lily and I finally put our little sled together. We added some lights, and set it on our front porch. It looks quite festive!

Best Mommy Moment

During the Sunday school Christmas service, the preschool and Kindergarten classes sang Away in the Manger. Both Emmy and Lily knew all the words to all three verses, and were amazing little singers! (It’s a mother’s prerogative to brag about her little ones, right?)

Worst Meltdown

Sunday mornings, our church has “coffee and…” after services. When Emmy realized that unlike a Sunday morning, there were no snacks after the Christmas Eve service, she threw a fit. What’s a three year old to do when it’s past her bedtime and she’s hungry? Throw herself on the floor screaming for some snacks, that’s what!

Most Procrastination Award

As you can tell by my sled project, I’m a procrastinator. My Christmas letter is halfway written. It is now an Epiphany letter. Family and friends, I promise you will get my letter before January 6. (I hope!)

Latest Obsession

A couple of years ago, Ed and I got caught up in a show called Next Great American Band. We were impressed by the winners of the show – a group named The Clark Brothers. This year, they put out their first album and are now called Sons of Sylvia. Ed gave me their CD for Christmas, and I realized I must be listening to it a lot when Lily started walking around the house singing, “Oh, what you waiting for, One more step and you’re out that door….”

What’s your addition to this list?

Lovin’ Our Local Library!

Yes, it’s true…I have “gushing book nerd potential.” I have admitted that I would rather meet authors than celebrities. Books are in my genes; I grew up in a literacy-rich environment. Newspapers, books, magazines…my mother was always telling Dad to stop reading at the dinner table because it was impolite. As a child, I watched my father write sermons; he read Bibles in Greek, Hebrew, German and English. His desk would be piled high with open books. I heard those marvelous sermons every Sunday morning. Reading, writing, speaking — I was surrounded by literacy.

As a child living in a small town, my library was my dad’s office. When my family relocated to the suburbs, I was thrilled to have a real, brick-and-mortar library within walking distance. And so, the library is one of my favorite places to take my daughters, as I try to surround them with literacy as well.

At our library, the first stop is this bench with a reading duck. There really are words in that book he’s holding!

Then, it’s on to say “hi” to the fishies. We brought our little neighbor with us on our last trip to the library. Hello, little fishies!

Clifford always needs a hug. He gets a lot of lovin’ from his special friend, Emmy.

Did you think our next stop would be the bookshelves? Silly readers, the puppet theatre is always next!

There are puzzles and games, story time and stickers, and so much fun to be had at the library! And yes, eventually we do arrive at the bookshelves to bring home stacks of books!

Christianne of Little Page Turners invites us to view her library, and it’s definitely worth the visit! Click on the button below to see their amazing library!

Little Page Turners

How about you? What do you love about your local library?

Where in the world are you this Wednesday? Next Wednesday, I’ll be telling you about the places we go! Whether you’ve traveled the globe or have merely gotten lost in a book, I’d love to read about the places you go! Have you documented your kids riding a camel in Egypt or clinging to a carousel horse at the mall? Show off your photos! Then stop by Lemon Drop Pie next Wednesday to leave your link and share your adventures!
