I’ve Gone Public!

This past week it feels like I’ve been wandering around in a maze.  Leaving a place where I felt so comfortable blogging (Blogger) to unfamiliar territory (WordPress) was a little unnerving for me. It’s still unnerving! But so far, so good. However, I’ve been frustrated; I have so many writing ideas and yet the time I’ve had to take to make this change has taken away from my writing. This is a good lesson, though. Since I signed up to write every day in November (I’m being a broken record, I know!) I have to write even though I don’t feel motivated to write.

Ed has already gone to bed, and I went upstairs to take a clean, unfolded load of laundry off the bed. (I cannot blame the common occurrence of this on my move to WordPress!) It’s a good thing I looked under the covers; hidden underneath was a brush, a CD case, and a princess crown. While I could have perhaps laid down on the brush and CD case without hurting myself, that tiara has spikes! And it even lights up! Who know what hilarity would have ensued if I hadn’t found that tiara!

Whatever happened, it certainly would have made for a better blog post. Maybe it would have been better if I hadn’t checked under the covers!
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My First Post on WordPress

I’m still writing for NaBloPoMo, but have yet to make this WordPress blog public. I’m waiting for my name servers to be updated, and if you understand what that means, then you are more technical than I am! I don’t know why I’m attempting to do this transfer at the same time that I decided to write every day, but I’ve been planning on doing this since August after Bloggy Boot Camp. So there you have it. Hopefully I’ll be able to make this blog public soon! (crossing fingers)