Thank You, Peggy!

When I started this blog last May, I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I didn’t know how to get readers that weren’t family members, I wasn’t sure if this was a mommy blog or a breast cancer blog, and I couldn’t find other bloggers that were like me. Clicking on the “next blog” at the top of Blogger didn’t help me; most of the blogs I found were in Portuguese or German. I read the well-known bloggers, like Dooce and Suburban Bliss, but they were no help. I don’t remember exactly how it all panned out, but I think I found abdpbt advertised Dooce and then…I discovered something big!
Anna hosts “fighting listlessness Monday” where she will link up bloggers who write a list. I started clicking, started reading, started commenting, and starting writing…and somewhere along the way, people started reading my blog! I felt like I had broken the code.

And now, Peggy from over at Stir Crazy in the Suburbs passed this award on to me, and I’m thrilled! Thank you, Peggy!

*Here are the award rules:
List 7 things that you love and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love!
Be sure to tag them and let them know they have won!
You can copy the picture of the award and put it on your sideboard
letting the whole world know…..
you are KREATIV!

Seven things I love:

  1. Snuggling on the couch with both my girls, reading books together;
  2. Sitting on the patio with my hubby at our favorite bar, drinking Bass and shooting the breeze;
  3. Scrapbooking, although I haven’t done any new pages in ages;
  4. Hiking; Ed and I have done some great hiking in Yellowstone and the Smoky Mountains, among other places;
  5. Swimming in Lake Michigan (on the Michigan side!) on a hot summer day;
  6. Grilling…no pans to wash!
  7. My life with my family and friends by my side…I have so much to look forward to!

I had a hard time picking seven blogs…. I love reading so many of them! Here are seven bloggers I am passing this award on to; I have been readings some of these blogs for a while, and some are new to me.

  1. Stacey over at ArtSnark’s Artifacts
  2. Wendy’s Among Mad People
  3. Jenny at Babyfingers
  4. Ginger at When Ginger snaps….
  5. Fon at Kids and Daiquiris
  6. Michele at It’s a dog’s life
  7. Julie at The Cool Mom Guide

Part of the fun of award posts is reading new blogs! If any of those names are new to you, start clicking and reading!

An Award, an Award!

Stacey over at ArtSnark’s Artifacts passed this award along to me. Thank you, Stacey!

As part of this award, I need to list 5 things I’m “into”.

  1. I just finished reading Truth and Beauty, which is about the friendship between Ann Patchett and Lucy Grealy, and so now I need to read Autobiography of a Face, by Lucy Grealy.
  2. My favorite cookbook right now is Hot Dish Heaven. I really want to make some cauliflower cheese!
  3. For Christmas, Ed gave my sister and me webcams. We finally have them set up, and it’s a great way for my sister to keep in touch with her nieces. Now I need to get my other sister, my brother and my parents set up.
  4. I love blogging, and want to work on improving my writing and computer skills. I just found a way to make my own button! I know, it looks a little amateurist since I don’t have Photoshop, but I had fun making it! I found the directions at Oikology 101.
  5. I’m into my husband. He cleans up the kitchen after dinner, AND he bought me birthday cake! (I’m also really into my girls, but that goes without saying, right?)

I’m passing on this award to these five bloggers. Please visit their blogs, and give them some nice comments!

  1. Christine at The Book Bench; she blogs about books I might not otherwise hear about.
  2. Becky over at Suburban Matron; be extra nice to Becky; Target really let her down yesterday.
  3. Chris blogs at two sites: Coke On My Keyboard and Text Imps. She always writes great comments!
  4. Shangrila at My Bella Figlia; she has three kids AND still finds time to knit!
  5. Keely over at The Un-Mom has a warped sense of humor that always makes me laugh. She also blogs at A Letter for Xander.