It’s Not Summer {Spin Cycle}

It has been some week. We had two days off of school for extreme wind chills. I gladly stayed home because I was sick with the “fever and cough” that’s been going around. I’m afraid I’ve been mostly absent from my blog and from your excellent posts! I can’t tell you how excited I am to see that TWELVE of you linked up your Word of the Year!

I just have had this bone-numbing weariness hit me this week. Trying to care for my family while being sick is hard. Fortunately, Lily and Emmy are 10 and 7 now and they know how to entertain themselves. After sleeping late and watching TV on Wednesday, I suggested they get out the Legos to build houses for their new little animal toys that they got for Christmas. They spent the rest of the day happily building and playing!

Some other wonderful things happened. We saw a coyote in the back yard sniffing around for food. I wanted to see him dig up a chipmunk, but he moved on before he caught anything. I felt better yesterday afternoon, and the girls and I actually went to a movie theater with some friends to see Annie. I thought it was cute and the girls absolutely loved it! They’ve been singing “It’s a Hard Knock Life” and “You’re Never Really Dressed Without a Smile” ever since.

And so, you see, I never actually came up with my own Word of the Year. On Monday, I posted my word from last year–schedule–but I still hadn’t picked my word for this year. At first I was going to pick “inspire” but it just didn’t seem right.

As I was looking out the window this afternoon at the cold, icy snow and listening to the wind whip around my chimney, it felt like summer never happened at all. I felt like I was still stuck in last year’s polar vortex and we’ve always had to bundle up with down coats and scarves and hats before even setting foot outside. Don’t forget the gloves, or your fingers might fall off! It seems like we’re in the middle of an eternal winter.


I have the perfect word for 2015: SUMMER! That’s what I need; a summer-like attitude and summer energy. Summer will bring warmth to my writing and my blog. It will light up my house and make the housework easier. Having Summer as my word will help me remember that while it’s a long way off, summer will return again.

And as I was shoveling snow off the sidewalk today, the sun was shining and I noticed that yes, the days are getting longer, minute by minute every day. Summer will be here before we know it!

Please be sure to visit the other Spinners to see what their wonderful Words of the Year are!

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming

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Why You Should Go to Bishop, California

Road Trip paper (2)

Bishop is in the Central part of California, right between Yosemite National Park and Death Valley. Sometimes on vacation, we just stay in a place as a stopping ground to make our drive shorter. After driving through Yosemite, we swung up to Bodie State Park and decided to stay in Bishop before heading to Death Valley. (All of this was planned by Ed before our trip. He doesn’t leave much to chance! Ed always checks out the restaurants in town before he makes any hotel reservation. Food is Ed’s top priority! When he read the good reviews for the best restaurant in town–the bowling alley–he couldn’t resist the challenge and booked Bishop, California!)

We had reservations at the Creekside Inn in Bishop, and we were a little worried that the pictures we saw online were too good to be true. A few years ago, we made a reservation at a hotel for a room which had a kitchenette. The online photo made the room look, well, roomy. It was not. We had to shove the TV under the counter to make room for Lily’s pack -n- play and poured milk on our cereal while sitting on the bed. Calling it a “kitchenette” was very misleading.

The Creekside Inn, however, was everything the website said it was! A charming creek runs through the Inn’s property, and there are plenty of chairs and tables next to the creek. The weather was beautiful, and we sat outside to celebrate Emmy’s birthday. She opened her present while we relaxed next to the creek.

by the creek

For Emmy’s birthday dinner, we actually did eat at the Back Alley Bowl and Grill. It looked like a bowling alley and it sounded like a bowling alley, but wow! They served us excellent steaks and shrimp! The food was really good, AND most importantly for the birthday girl, the dessert was fabulous!
bowl and steak

Our room had a balcony facing the creek. Ed read a bedtime book to the girls out on the balcony first, and after we tucked them in for the night, we sat outside listening to the creek with a bottle of wine. It was a beautiful night!

creek at nightHave you ever been to Bishop, California?
