The Benefits Of Eating Colored Fruits And Vegetables {Guest Post)

June is a month of Guest Bloggers! Today, Michelle, the Green-Mother, tells us about healthy eating. As a cancer survivor, I try to eat a rainbow of foods! Here is Michelle to tell us more:

Have you ever given some thought about your fruits and vegetables? Like most people, your answer is probably no. Did you know that the colors of fruit and vegetables contain different vitamins? For this reason, it is important to eat a colorful variety to get the full benefits.

Why Eat A Variety of Fruits And Vegetables?

– Eating a variety will provide you with the vitamins that you need.

– Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can reduce your risks of developing serious health problems.

– Fruits and vegetables contain high levels of fiber. Consuming these can reduce your risk of heart disease.

– Consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables will eliminate boredom that may be associated with eating the same foods over and over again.

– According to the Harvard School of Public Health, they stated that fruits and vegetables are important to your overall health. They also stated that some types of fruits and vegetables can protect you against certain cancers.

– Dr. Andrew Weil, author of Eating Well for Optimum Health, created an eating plan which includes an abundance of colorful fruits and vegetables. To learn more about Dr. Weil’s eating plan, please visit: Dr. Weil’s Diet

The Importance of Color

As you will see, adding a variety of color to your diet plays an important role in your daily dietary routine.

For example, red, yellow, and orange fruits and vegetables may help reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease. The red berries play an important role by acting as a powerful antioxidant. They help protect cells from damage. Healthy red choices are: berries, apples, beets, cherries, cranberries, grapefruit, red grapes, and watermelon.

Phytonutrients can be found in blue and purple fruits and vegetables. Eating blackberries, blueberries, and eggplants may help reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease.

White vegetables may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. They can also reduce the risk of stomach cancer and heart disease (Source of Information: North Dakota State University). Good choices are: cauliflower, onions, and turnips.

Green vegetables, such as broccoli and spinach, contain many anti-cancer properties. They also provide many nutrients.

How To Enjoy Your Fruits And Vegetables

There are many ways to enjoy your fruits and vegetables. In order not to get bored, spice it up and get your creative juices flowing!

– For breakfast, add some mixed berries into your yogurt or oatmeal.

– For lunch and supper, sauté some green vegetables, and add some tomatoes. This makes a wonderful side dish to all types of meals.

– For snacks, make a smoothie and add plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables. Add some milk and ice to get a smooth texture. At home, I use the Magic Bullet. It blends most fruits and vegetables, and caters to most smoothie recipes.

– Throughout the day, snack on baby carrots, and cucumbers.

There are so many ways to enjoy your fruits and vegetables. If you are on a budget, simply purchase what is on sale.

Get creative, have fun, and get healthy at the same time.

About Michelle, The Green-Mother

Michelle is a stay at home mom to three boys. She blogs about green living, gluten free and casein free living, family life, recipes, Michelle’s Favorite Things, and so much more! Michelle tries to make her days greener, one day at a time.

signatureThank you, Michelle, for being on Lemon Drop Pie today! My next guest blogger will join us on Monday, June 25.

What I Love {Spin Cycle}

To contrast with last week’s prompt over at Gretchen’s Spin Cycle, this week our prompt is “Things I love.” Of course, I love love love Ed, Lily and Emmy. (Can you tell?–I just read an Eloise book to the girls at bedtime, and Nanny always says things three times!)

This post is about simple things that make me happy, happy, happy!

I absolutely LOVE:

1. My sewing machine

When I was in high school, my mom tried to teach me how to sew. I think I started sewing a skirt, and I don’t think I liked the whole sewing thing. I never would have guessed that when I bought a sewing machine of my very own that I would fall in love with sewing. I haven’t sewn any clothes yet (it’s probably better that way) but I am having so much fun with my quilt blocks!

2. My yard

Working outside is something I love to do, but don’t take much time to actually do. Every summer, I resolve to spend more time in my yard and less time inside. But then, it gets hot and humid and the mosquitoes come out to play. This spring, I planted my flowers early (for me) since it was so warm. I’m determined to get out and garden more regularly this summer.

My Garden

3. My weeping willow tree

People have told me that they hate willow trees because they are messy and they are constantly dropping branches all over the yard. I, however, love willow trees. I have a faint memory of the old parsonage in Nebraska having a graceful weeping willow in the yard, and ever since then, weeping willows have been my favorite tree. We have a huge old willow in our back yard, and I just love love love the long green leaves and the branches swaying in the breeze.

View under the weeping willow tree

4. Figuring out a way to MAKE THINGS WORK

I have two topsy-turvy tomato planters that Ed bought me, but they are so heavy that they bent the shepherd’s crook I hung them from. I needed a much studier hanger…but didn’t have time to go look for one. So I looked around our garage and found a closet pole that Ed had replaced. I dug a hole, stuck it in behind the shepherd’s crook, and tied some twine around it. Voila! To my delight (and my neighbor’s dismay–it’s quite unattractive) my fix worked! I am bound and determined to have some home-grown tomatoes this year, even if it means buying them at a farmer’s market.

topsy-turvy tomato planters
closet pole fix--ugly but functional

5. Bubble wrap

You already love bubble wrap just as much as I do, but just watch this video of Emmy and you’ll love it even more!

I could just go on and on with things that I love, but then this post would be way too long and you wouldn’t love me any more. One more thing…I can’t help but love Gretchen, from Second Blooming, who keeps this thing known as the Spin Cycle spinning. Give her button below a click!

Second Blooming