Your Spin Cycle Prompt for 10/28

Cooking with Love

Who cooked with love for you? What do you make with love? Has someone cooked with love for you but it was something you hated to eat? Think of the emotions cooking gives, not necessarily the recipe, although recipes are a bonus!

And here’s an even bigger question: Where does Winnie the Pooh get all those hunny jars? Now that’s food for thought.

pooh hunny jar

Help spread the word about the Spin Cycle on Facebook and Twitter by using the hashtag #SpinCycle. Next week, we’ll have a Halloween Show and Tell. (Since Halloween is this Thursday, we wanted to give ourselves you some time to write about Halloween!)

Link up your post about food any time this week. Don’t forget to visit Second Blooming to grab your Spin Cycle button!

Second Blooming


Things I think you’d enjoy

This past weekend, as I often do, instead of doing what I was supposed to do…writing, dishes, laundry…I was browsing online. This whole webbernet is so fascinating, isn’t it?

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I was obsessed with OneRepublic’s Counting Stars? Now I have a new song obsession. I just know you’re going to love it, too! This duo is named Acoustic Truth, and they have a new video for their song Time. I may be a little biased since I have known the older couple in the video for years. They are members of my church. Don’t they look like pros?

(Also watch the video here.)

When I finally did get around to washing some dishes, I listened to Confessions of a Farmwife: Vol. 1. This podcast was these farmwives’ first one, but it didn’t sound like it! I felt like I was sitting at the kitchen table with them. I met Holly on my farm tours for the Illinois Farm Bureau, and this podcast makes me want to go live out in the country again.

Do you watch Modern Family? Ed and I have just started watching it this season, and I have my DVR set for tomorrow! My Spin Cycle buddy, Gretchen, will be making an appearance! Find out more details on her blog, Second Blooming.

What have you been listening to/watching/reading this week?
