How often do Ed and I go out dancing? Not often enough! Last weekend was the first time we’ve been dancing since last year’s dinner dance! Our church’s school hosts a dinner dance yearly for a fundraiser, and last year we went for the first time. Even though Ed and I are very active in our church, we live too far away for our girls to attend the school. We are both alumni of the school, however. (We didn’t attend St. Andrews at the same time, so we didn’t really know each other back then! Ed was already in high school when I started Junior High.)
The Dinner Dance is at a very fancy restaurant called Cafe la Cave. It includes waiters walking around with champagne and hors d’oeuvres, dinner, a silent and live auction, and then of course, dancing! I love the silent auction! I had my eye on a Coach purse and a Vera Bradley purse. The problem with bidding at an event like this is that friends bid against each other! The woman I was bidding against for the Coach purse was very determined, so I switched to the Vera Bradley purse. I won the bid, and I’m glad I did! It’s such a cute purse! Ed had his eye on Cubs tickets. He won the bid for two tickets last year, but this year a friend outbid him. We’ll have to buy our own tickets, because it seems as though this could be a good year for the Cubs!
I’ll let you in on a little secret; that afternoon, Ed and I went on a training walk for the Avon 39. I tripped on my own two feet and fell all.the.way.down. Lily said I looked like a rolling ball, which was good because I didn’t break anything. However, I did scrape up my knee, my shoulder, my hands and my chin on the sidewalk. My left wrist hurt so badly at the dance that I couldn’t hold my hors d’oeuvres! (Somehow, I managed to hold my Cosmopolitan in my right hand.) I told Ed to twirl me only with my right hand on the dance floor.
I iced my wrist when we got home, and the next day? It felt 100% better! I was so relieved. I really think working on the weight machines at the gym saved me. I’ve been going to the gym now for about a year and a half, and while I still weigh about the same, I feel stronger. So I’m encouraged to keep working out!
Like Cinderella, we didn’t leave the ball until midnight. Unlike Cinderella, I left with both my heels. Ed and I can’t wait until we can dance together again….