Breast Cancer Research {Army of Women}

Last week, I wrote my opinion about the Facebook statuses that go around, supposedly for breast cancer awareness. Today, I’m going to write about how YOU can be involved in finding the cause of breast cancer. Do something more than write a Facebook status for breast cancer awareness; YOU can be a part of the cure!

There’s an organization called Army of Women that is trying to gather a million women (and men!) to help find the cause and the cure for breast cancer. They help various research studies around the country find women and men to participate in ground breaking research. (Thank you to all of my readers who have already joined the Army of Women!)

Right now, the Army of Women is looking for women who have had a breast biopsy, but have NOT been diagnosed with breast cancer. Have you had a breast biopsy since January of 2000? You could help this important research! CLICK HERE to read more about this research project.

If you have never had a breast biopsy, you can still join the Army of Women to lend your support to ongoing research.

Not only have I joined the Army of Women, I participated in a research study on young women and breast cancer! It was so easy; all I had to do give a little extra blood at my next doctor’s appointment, and send it off to the research facility! My dad and two sisters were also able to help this research project by sending their blood to this research project, too. It was so thrilling to be able to take part in this important research; research that might help prevent my daughters from someday being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Check out Army of Women today!

On My Soapbox: Facebook Statuses {Spin Cycle}

It keeps happening. Now, Facebook friends, I know you mean well, and you have jumped on the bandwagon for a good cause.

You know what I mean; the status you posted that was just a color. The status that made me believe your sex life was spicier than mine. (On the chair in the kitchen!) The status that made me believe you are expecting a little bundle of joy and you’re craving peanut butter cups, or that you are going to move to London for 2 months.

But think about those poor chumps who actually believe you, and comment back “How exciting! When are you due?” Or, “I’m going to be in London in two weeks! Let’s meet up!” until finally, in exasperation, you have to post, “It’s really a breast cancer awareness thing.”


Moving to London is about breast cancer awareness?

A while back, when bra colors were the breast cancer awareness rage on Facebook, I posted this status instead:

Bra colors, schma colors….My last mammogram was in September, 2009…when was yours????*

I got some great responses from women who had had their mammograms and from those who had one scheduled soon. This was my favorite comment:

In October & I thank God every day for MMO’s. Since my very first one saved my life almost 30 years ago Feb. 4.
Love you, my sister in Christ,

What an inspiration Jean is! She is a member of my church, and continues to be a survivor.

What really frosts me, though, are statuses like this one. I’m not reprinting the whole thing because it just irritates me so much.

The normal boobs ( . )( . ) the silicone boobs ( + )( + ) the perfect boobs ( o )( o )…..

And the list goes on, ending with “Save the boobies!!!”

However, this list is missing some boobs. Where are the scarred boobs (/. )( . ) missing boobs  ( . ) X  fake boobs with tattooed nipples ( x )( x ) or red radiated boob ( . )( . )? Phrases like “save the boobies” or “save the ta-tas” irritate me SO MUCH. It doesn’t matter how early breast cancer is diagnosed, your boobs will never be the same. You will never be the same. Breast cancer awareness is all about saving lives, not saving boobs.

Please, the next time a message appears in your Facebook inbox, resist the urge to post your favorite candy bar in the name of breast cancer awareness.

Thanks, Gretchen, for letting me get up on my soapbox. I’m getting off now. Go see her for more people who are standing up for what they believe in!

*My latest mammogram was in November, 2011, and it was perfectly normal. 🙂

