Breast Cancer Research {Army of Women}

Last week, I wrote my opinion about the Facebook statuses that go around, supposedly for breast cancer awareness. Today, I’m going to write about how YOU can be involved in finding the cause of breast cancer. Do something more than write a Facebook status for breast cancer awareness; YOU can be a part of the cure!

There’s an organization called Army of Women that is trying to gather a million women (and men!) to help find the cause and the cure for breast cancer. They help various research studies around the country find women and men to participate in ground breaking research. (Thank you to all of my readers who have already joined the Army of Women!)

Right now, the Army of Women is looking for women who have had a breast biopsy, but have NOT been diagnosed with breast cancer. Have you had a breast biopsy since January of 2000? You could help this important research! CLICK HERE to read more about this research project.

If you have never had a breast biopsy, you can still join the Army of Women to lend your support to ongoing research.

Not only have I joined the Army of Women, I participated in a research study on young women and breast cancer! It was so easy; all I had to do give a little extra blood at my next doctor’s appointment, and send it off to the research facility! My dad and two sisters were also able to help this research project by sending their blood to this research project, too. It was so thrilling to be able to take part in this important research; research that might help prevent my daughters from someday being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Check out Army of Women today!

5 Replies to “Breast Cancer Research {Army of Women}”

  1. Go Ginny Marie……

    I'm going to be shouting about this study too…. and I ****think**** my sister may qualify. I'll have to hunt her down and no doubt she is going to make me do the work but I'm on it!


  2. Thanks for posting this and passing the word about the importance of the right kind of research to find the answers to putting an end to breast cancer. Betsy from Arizona

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