The Mitten Song

Although I do consider myself a stay-at-home mom, that’s not totally true any more. Most of you know I also teach preschool part time. I read a lot of cute books and sing songs with my preschool students, and today I’m sharing a book and some activities with you! The Mitten Song is a really easy song to sing with your kids. My students love going “ping!” Watch my vlog to see the “ping!”

View video here.

The Mitten Song

Thumbs in the thumb place, (ping!)
Fingers all together.
This is the song we sing in mitten weather!


Happy Wives Club {Book Review}

When Fawn Weaver first came up with the idea for the Happy Wives Club, her husband Keith doubled up with laughter. However, sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ideas. Fawn really did start a club named Happy Wives Club, and now there are over 100,000 women from over 100 countries who are official members of the Happy Wives Club. Inspired by all the connections women were making on her website, Fawn decided to set out and interview these happy wives. Her goal was to discover the secrets of a great marriage from couples married for over 25 years. Since her online club is not limited to the United States, Fawn traveled all over the world to conduct her interviews.

Happy Wives Club: One Woman’s Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage is part travel journal, and part inspirational interviews. Not only did I enjoy reading what Fawn discovers about great marriage, but I also enjoyed reading about her travels. “[Rome’s] antiquity isn’t just enshrined in some climate-controlled museum. It’s everywhere: in the crumbling stucco walls of nearly every building, the labyrinthine streets, the imposing perimeter walls of the Vatican.” She explores the Museum of Broken Hearts in Zagreb, Croatia, endures the pounding rain in Quezon City, Philippines, and discovers an amazing love story in Perth, Australia.

My favorite chapter of the book takes place in Croatia. Fawn describes her interview in Zagreb as a “divine appointment,” and she learns much more than she bargained for about marriage and having children within a marriage. It’s not a secret; having children does change your marriage. Zeljka’s explanation of how love is like a candle explains perfectly how children fit into a happy marriage. Just as a flame can go from candle to candle without diminishing, so love can spread as a family grows.


*I first met Fawn Weaver, the founder of the Happy Wives Club, a couple of years ago through a community based website. Fawn has traveled around the world and written a book about the best marriage secrets she discovered during her travels. You can grab a copy HERE. This is my honest review of The Happy Wives Club: One Woman’s Worldwide Search for the Secrets of a Great Marriage and I received an advanced reader’s copy of the book. I was not compensated in any other way.


signature Read the true story about how Ed and I found love in the book Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dating Game, available now!