I was up this morning before 6:00 to get Emmy up and going to an elementary choral festival up in Waucona, Illinois. Ed drove her and three other fifth graders. It was still dark, cold, and raining. I stayed home to clean the house (the bottom half) for Lily’s birthday party. My method of cleaning means throwing all the clutter into the upper half of the house, so the upstairs is a disaster, but the downstairs looks really nice right now. Want to come over?
Ed came home and helped out, and then Lily, Ed and I drove up to Wauconda to hear Emmy sing with the other choral students who had participated in the festival. They sounded beautiful!
Ed had spotted a taco joint on the Main St. this morning, but it was closed or he would’ve had steak tacos for breakfast. When I saw that it was open for lunch, I pulled over and we had tacos! Ed always gets his way, especially when it involves tacos.
After we got home, Lily’s friends soon arrived and we celebrated her birthday. She will be 13 tomorrow–a teenager! Can you believe it? Tomorrow, we are taking her some place special, and it’s a “surprise.” She has pretty much figured it out, but I have resisted telling her where we are going.
I’m so tired, I can’t write a blog post for today. But here it is, and I accidentally clicked “publish” before I was done writing. If you are reading this on my blog and not in your email, you get some extra sentences and a bonus photo!
How about that?

What a great picture! I can’t believe she’s turning 13. It almost makes me cry.
Thirteen already? Goodness, it seems only yesterday she was a tiny tot! Happy birthday to Lily!
Mara Jellema recently posted…Guess!
I know! I can’t believe she’s so old! But I’m practically the same age I was when she was born! đŸ˜‰
Happy b-day:D
Thank you, Lisa!