She’s 13!

Happy Birthday, Lily!

We surprised Lily by taking her out for a seafood Sunday brunch this morning, at one of her favorite restaurants on the Fox River in Algonquin. She had guessed what we were doing, but it was fun anyway! And we were joined by my sister and brother, along with Ed’s family, so that made it an extra special celebration. My little Lily finally got the gift she has been begging for; the gift that “everyone else has”–although in our world, she’s not exaggerating. All of her friends really do have a cell phone, and now, finally, so does Lily! That really was a surprise for her because we’ve been holding out for soooooo long. Ed and I really need a way to keep in touch with her during all of her activities, though. I had bought the phone a couple of weeks ago and was hiding it from her. Last week, in a mix-up with carpool schedules, she was left behind at her school after basketball practice. She borrowed another dad’s phone to call us, even as I was thinking about heading out the door to get her because she should have been home already. I was wishing I had already given her her phone! But all’s well that ends well, as they say. We live only 5 minutes away from her school, so she wasn’t waiting that long.

Tomorrow is another big day for Lily…she has her first basketball game!





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