Ten Fashions of No Return

Why, yes, at some point in my 46 years, I have worn every single one of these fashion mistakes, and hope that they never come back into fashion! If you’ve lived through the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, I’m sure you’ve endured these fashions as well.

horse cake

Pictured above is me, on my eighth birthday in 1977, with a version of the Dorothy Hamill haircut. I was a horse crazy girl, and my mom cut that horse for me out from a sheet of chocolate. I loved that cake!

The bowl haircut definitely is on my list of fashion faux pas, along with:

1. Bell bottoms (Boot cut, yes; bell bottoms, NO!)
2. Super skinny jeans with zippers at the ankle, worn with high heels and lacy bobby socks
3. Acid washed denim


Hairstyles are always fun to look at. My fine, blond hair needed a perm to be big, and even then it was hard to plump! I’m a freshman in college up above in 1987, and that was about as big as I could make my hair.

Hair styles
4. Farrah Fawcett feathered hair
5. Dorothy Hamill bowl cut (although her updated version is pretty cute!)
6. Working Girl big hair plastered with AquaNet

melanie griffith
Melanie Griffith had big hair!

7. Long, pointy collars
8. Tight halter tops with itchy elastic from chest to waist
9. Skinny ribbons tied with bows at the neck

10. Freakishly large bug-eye glasses (see my college picture up above!)

Yes, we survived all these bad fashion statements. I wonder what our kids will think is fashionable in the next 20 years? You can be sure there will be plenty of pictures of their fashion faux pas! What fashions do you hope will never come back?

For more Tuesday Ten fashions, visit The Golden Spoons by clicking on the button below!


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13 Replies to “Ten Fashions of No Return”

  1. A few years ago I was driving a group to London when there were several women my age sitting right behind me and a girl about 20 years younger on the other side of the aisle. She wore leg warmers and me and the women my age just lamented the fact they were in fashion again!

    The things I hope will never come back again are shoulder pads, legwarmers, pointy collared shirts and those garish 70’s colours that always hurt your eyes. Oh, and rara skirts. I never understood them in the first place!
    Mara recently posted…My personal assistantMy Profile

  2. I love the way you broke this down into categories!
    The major thing I’m glad hasn’t/won’t come back is the curled bangs craze. It was just dreadful on me. Also – blue eyeshadow. Although some people can pull that off today.

    I am also glad that jeans without back pockets didn’t stick around.

    Tamara recently posted…Vacation All I Ever Wanted.My Profile

  3. I was clothes shopping recently due to having dropped some weight and felt as if I were back in the 80’s all over again. Those dreaded acid washed jeans are back…and they are back in so many styles, including stretchy leggings that supposedly look like jeans. Oy vey!
    I had bangs that resembled a mosquito trap apparently to a youth leader of mine at the time. LOL! Had big glasses myself in middle school. Born in 1972, I’ve seen it all come and go…and come again. What will the next fad be??? Great and fun post!

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