I Crave Routine

I woke up this morning feeling very vague and almost depressed. Preschool students will not be waiting for me this morning and I don’t need to take my kids to school. It’s been raining almost nonstop, and a lake is growing in my front yard (I’ll post a picture on Instagram). I just watched as the teen from down the street splashed through a huge puddle. She was on her way to work at the park district at the other end of the street, and I felt jealous that she had somewhere to be!

Coffee mug
Always part of my morning routine–COFFEE!

Don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to having some free time to work on some projects and I’ll settle into a new routine…I think. I’ll write all about our new routines on Friday. What about you? Do you have a morning routine? A summer routine? A retirement routine? Or are you spontaneous and throw routines out the window? Share your routine or lack of routine with us!

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11 Replies to “I Crave Routine”

  1. I still have two more weeks before my girls are out full time for the summer. But still I am definitely looking forward to a more relaxed schedule once this happens and like you do love my coffee in the am as well 😉

  2. I know that feeling so well, Ginny! I really do need a routine and a ‘plan’ for the day, or I tend to fizzle with exhaustion and droop with depression. It’s weird, because I long for the long lazy days… but when they come? I get itchy and disappointed at what I thought I would love.

    My routine is about swim team practice early every morning for my daughter and camp for my son… I run back and forth a total of five times before 9:30am. Then I have some time to blog/visit with a friend/do housework… if the drop offs were successful! My sister just left, so I’m squeezing in a few minutes for blogging!!

    That’s about all the schedule we have-because every day brings new events and activities, which is a good thing- but I get stressed with the unpredictability in some ways too. GAH! It’s a tricky thing…
    Chris Carter recently posted…Six Ways To Unplug This SummerMy Profile

    1. So glad you can relate; it’s nice to have someone who understands! We have swim team practice too, but it’s in the evening. I get very stressed out about unpredictable things, too, and it’s been raining a lot so swim team has been cancelled 3 times already.

  3. Too much rain here, too. It’s making me grumpy. I’m trying to get our summer routine figured out as well. I always look forward to the end of school and the start of a looser schedule, but for some reason it’s hard to get it into place this year. The boys have some scheduled lessons and camps, but not a lot. I think it’s just going to be a “schedule it one week at a time” kind of summer.

  4. I woke up with that feeling. Depressed a bit. Vague. Uninspired. We still have school in session for over a week but I already feel a bit restless. It’s cold and rainy and the central air is broken so I don’t even mind the cold and rainy! Usually I would.
    Tamara recently posted…The Messiest One In My Life.My Profile

    1. It’s humid and rainy here, so I’m glad our A/C is working! The rain has been ongoing, but at least in between storms the sun has been shining. That has helped me from getting too depressed!

  5. We’ve had a lot of rain here too and I’m beginning to wonder what type of summer we will have. I find summers difficult too and by the time I find my summer routine summer is usually almost over. I read a good inspirational quote on FB this morning, it went something like this: Even when you don’t feel like it, get up, dress up and show up. This got me going this morning. Have a good day!
    This Busy Life recently posted…Live FreeMy Profile

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