Teachers and Teaching {Spin Cycle Prompt}

Did you miss my Becoming a Mom post last week? As the school year comes to an end, it seems like there are a hundred little things to wrap up as both a mom and a teacher!

As a mom, there are end-of-the-year concerts to attend and special school events like Muffins with Mom. As a teacher, my co-teacher and I are wrapping up assessments and preparing for preschool graduation.

Last week was also Teacher Appreciation Week for many schools across the country. This week, we’re writing about teachers and teaching. Perhaps for this prompt, you might remember a favorite teacher you had as a child. Not all teachers are actually in the classroom; write about a teachable moment as a mom. Life also makes a good teacher; tell a time you learned a difficult lesson. Do you have another way to spin this prompt? Write it out and link it up here any day this week!

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming
Get the code in my blog’s sidebar and add it to your blog post!

Coming up on The Spin Cycle:

Week of May 25: Kicking Off Summer! Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer! Write your summer bucket list; tell us about a vacation you’re looking forward to; recommend some summer books to read.

Week of June 1: Summer Reruns During the summer months, most television shows are reruns. Share some of your favorite TV shows that you love watching, even in reruns OR “rerun” one of your favorite blog posts from the past!



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