As I sit at my desk, I can hear the squirrels digging and rustling around in the leaves outside my dining room window. They are getting downright tubby, those little squirrels, as they prepare for winter.
It has been a very strange week, and I wasn’t prepared for most the of the things that happened. Sometimes it is so overwhelming, the things we are unprepared for. Friends of mine have had their lives change suddenly this week, and it makes my little problem seem trivial. We had something unexpected happen that I was completely unprepared for–little visitors in one of my daughter’s hair. After years of having lice in my classroom and not being affected, one of my children finally brought them home. I’m not going to write too much about that, however, because it makes her feel bad. To be honest, I feel bad about it, too. There’s still a stigma attached to having lice. I can’t help but feel that I’m a bad mother and a terrible housekeeper. In my heart, I know that’s not true and several of my friends’ children have also had lice. I’m happy to report that we are all lice-free as of Tuesday afternoon. (The washing machine has been going non-stop since then!)
Yesterday, however, my co-workers and I were completely prepared. I’m talking about more than lesson plans and project supplies. Our license from the state is due for renewal, and the state rep came to visit our preschool. We had prepared by filling out all our paper work, entering our continuing education hours online, and reviewing our CPR and Epi pen skills.
It was about time for preschool to start, and we noticed something strange. A taxi pulled into the parking lot. We wondered; did someone have car trouble and need to take a taxi to preschool? Was it the state rep?
Nope. It was neither of those things. An unshaven man carrying a paper bag stumbled out of the cab and headed across our parking lot to the woods in the property behind us. He wasn’t walking in a straight line, either. In fact, he was a little wobbly. This was unexpected.
Despite our fears, he went on his merry way and we didn’t see him again. Our license renewal went perfectly and our preparations paid off (mostly due to our director’s hard work)!
And now, at last, the week is almost over. Tomorrow, Lily, Emmy and I will prepare to sing in our church’s Bethlehem Walk, which reenacts Christ’s birth. We’ll dress up in white robes and fluffy collars, and maybe I’ll curl the girls hair. After this overwhelming week, we can begin to prepare our hearts for Christmas.
What are you preparing for?
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My biggest fear is live and I know that it can happen to even the best of us. Just glad you guys caught it and are now all lice free. Fingers crossed it stays that way and here is also to Christmas plans finally coming to fruition;)
Janine Huldie recently posted…The Princesses Read This House Needs A Mouse
Yes, lice was one of my biggest fears, too! I’m still anxious over it.
We have had those little hair critters visit our home too. Not once but twice and the second time I got it too. I can totally sympathize. I hope your weekend goes well and I hope you find time to relax so you are well rested for whatever next week brings.
This Busy Life recently posted…Shine On
I’m actually glad to hear that, Barb! It makes me feel better. I think I’ve gotten ride of them this time, and I hope there’s not a second time!
I remember when my sister was visited by the ones we shall not mention. We all had to wash our hair with this foul smelling stuff!
Glad you passed your school license renewal. That is always good of course!
Mara recently posted…One of those
Yes, we all washed our hair with the lice killing shampoo! It is awful!
Oh, what a week you have had!! Glad that you got rid of those unwanted hair guests!!! One year the biggest dance studio in our town (the one all the top dancers/”cool” girls go to!!) had a lice breakout. It was during the summer and between all of the girls and families it took weeks for them to all get rid of them.
Your church Christmas production sounds very nice!
Kim recently posted…Friends Are Friends
I hope that I’ve taken care of the pesky things in my house! So far, so good, but I’m still freaking out.
I am so ready for this week to be over! I was as prepared as I could be, but so, so busy. I have so much to get done this weekend, too, and my daughter’s birthday next week. ‘Tis the season, I suppose. Here’s to hoping next week is better for everyone!
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…The Real Reality of Motherhood
I definitely need good things to happen! Next week my daughter has two concerts, so we’ll be busy, but it’s a good kind of busy.
Oh yikes. Lice happens. It just does! We were talking about it yesterday actually at the school playground.
Tamara recently posted…The Most Memorable Photo Shoot I’ve Ever Had.
Yes, the moms I know who have also had it have very clean houses and are good moms. I’m hoping my experience with lice is over!
Yikes! We had a mild outbreak of it at school this year and I was CONVINCED that this would be the year that my girls would get it. I had the nurse check their heads like a dozen times! I think all the tea tree oil I started adding to their shampoo helped.
Nicole Hallford recently posted…Quick Takes
Tea tree oil! I’m going to get some of that!
NOOOOOOOOO! Not head lice! Ugh. I hope you are able to keep them gone. Vigilance and fine-toothed combs are important. What an awful time of year to have to deal with it. (My very first blog post was about head lice.)
At the Common Household, we are preparing for our college students to come home, for Christmas, for Hanukkah, for the joy of gathering with the extended family. I’m trying to learn the piano part for the church Christmas cantata. And in the midst of all the preparations, I am hoping for God’s peace, mercy, justice, and love to come to all those in our country who need them.
Common Household Mom recently posted…Beautiful Baking
Ha! I went back to read your first blog post! I just spent an hour combing out my daughter’s hair tonight. I’m so tired and discouraged! Week 1 is almost over!
I’m just glad I didn’t discover them during Christmas vacation!
So, there was this one year that we had lice not once, not twice but at least 5 times. It was the worst year ever. To the point my kids were like ” why does it keep happening to me”
I’m getting ready by NOT doing some things this year and it feels awesome!! No cards, no baking, no big meal.. simple and sane.
Kristen recently posted…4 Things I’m Not Doing this Christmas (and 1 that I am!)
Oh, NO! I can hardly stand having lice once!
I think your “recipe” for a simple holiday sounds awesome!
We’ve had lice a few times in our house. It was a memorable bonding experience when my husband had to comb through my hair several night sin a row to make sure we got everything out. I hope that things start going more smoothly for you!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Ten Things NOT to Buy my Kids
It helps to know that I’m not the only one who have had to deal with lice! I think we’re slowing winning the battle. (I hope!)