Today, I was woken up at 6:00 by my seven year old.
Today, I made scrambled eggs with my seven year old. She loves to use the whisk to scramble the eggs. She does not, however, feel that it is necessary to eat all of her eggs for breakfast.
Today, my seven year old begged me to let her vacuum the living room. Who am I to stop her? She not only vacuumed the living room, but also the kitchen, while her ten year old sister dusted.
Today, my seven year old didn’t want to go with us to take her aunt to the airport. She didn’t have a choice and came with us anyway.
Today, my seven year old said she was NOT going to eat any meat at dinner when we picked up Chinese food, but then had two helpings of chicken and pea pods. (Little girl sized helpings, but she asked for seconds! Unbelievable.)
Today, I told my seven year not to wake me up until 7:00 tomorrow morning. Then I tucked her in, sang her lullabies and kissed her good night.
How was your day today?
Your day sounded pretty similar to so many of mine with my girls, too 😉
Janine Huldie recently posted…Confessions Holiday Gift Guide 2014 (With #BlackFriday Deals)
Sounds like a pretty great day:)
Just wait until she is a teenager and you will be waking her up at 11:00 so she doesn’t sleep her life away!!!
Kim recently posted…Thankful for the Things I CAN Do!! (11/23 – 11/29)
Today, I slept late while Cassidy tended to the early riser (my two-year-old).
Then I went to work.
Then I came home hungry and exhausted, and I pretty much called in my parenting.
Luckily Cassidy took over.
Now it’s 5:45pm and there are over two hours until bedtime.
So I’m hiding upstairs.
Tamara recently posted…I Mustache You Some Questions for Ask Away Friday.
Haha! She sounds oh, so very seven!
Nicole Hallford recently posted…Weekend Wrap-Up
Sweet post……
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