There’s Banana In My Ear! {A Cautionary Tale}

Sometimes the long days of summer stretch out and are too long. During one of those long summer afternoons, I agreed to let Emmy give me a facial. One of her favorite books is Fancy Nancy: Ooh La La! It’s Beauty Day! In the book, Nancy gives her not-so-fancy mom a spa day for her birthday. Included in the book is a recipe for a banana honey facial.

Fancy Nancy Beauty Day

So we mashed up the banana and mixed in some honey, and Voila! We had a facial! Nancy’s mom reclined on a lounge chair outside, but I chose to lie down on the kitchen floor with a towel under my head. Lily placed two cucumber slices on my eyes, and then the girls gooped the banana mask on my face a little too eagerly. Gobs of banana dripped down my cheeks toward my ears. I was supposed to leave the mask on for ten minutes.

I held out for six loooong minutes.

When I got up, I had banana in my hair and in my ears. Fortunately, I had already planned on taking a shower after my facial. Unfortunately, the shower did not rinse the banana out of my right ear.

Then I did a very bad thing.

I used a Q-tip.

As I was twirling the Q-tip in my ear, I felt the banana go further into my ear. And then, I couldn’t hear very well. My ear was so completely clogged that I was like Ernie from Sesame Street when he had an actual banana in his ear. Unlike Ernie, my clogged ear was driving me completely batty!

I tried putting a little rubbing alcohol in my ear, which helps to get water out after swimming. No luck.

I tried a little hydrogen peroxide, and could hear the fizzing behind the banana for at least half an hour. It did nothing.

I bought an ear syringe to try to wash the banana out. Nope. Wasn’t gonna budge the banana.

The next day, I finally caved in and made an appointment at a Walgreen’s clinic. And when I got there, I told the truth.

My daughters gave me a facial and I think I have some banana in my ear.

Boy, did I feel silly.

The nurse practitioner had the right tool, however, and she pumped and pumped and pumped water into my ear until I felt dizzy. Out fell a blob (which did not look like banana, but I knew it was) and the relief was so immediate I just about cried. The nurse suggested that next time I should put some cotton in my ears.

Ha. There won’t be a next time.


P.S. Wait! Don’t stop reading yet! I know you’re wondering about how the banana face mask worked. It actually made my skin feel very soft, and I may use it again…without my assistants’ help.


21 Replies to “There’s Banana In My Ear! {A Cautionary Tale}”

  1. Ok, I nearly fell over reading this and you know my girls love Fancy Nancy. I totally would have let them do this to me too and now you got me thinking otherwise, because I don’t think I could deal with having banana stuck in my ear and not being able to hear. The year before I had Emma, I was so sick and my ears got clogged. I remember for about a week it being torture that I couldn’t hear. So, I admit I hope to never go through that again, but still I love how you let Emmy give you a facial. Very cute story and thank you for the warning here šŸ™‚
    Janine Huldie recently posted…Emma’s Frozen 5th Birthday Party CelebrationMy Profile

  2. This post was funny and also heartwarming. You are a sweet mom and your girls must cherish you very much. I can imagine having banana stuck in your ear was terribly annoying. I had water in my ear for over week and it drove me crazy!
    This Busy Life recently posted…WanderlustMy Profile

  3. Did you have alligators in your kitchen? Because if not, the banana sure helped!

    I remember a guy from work who used q-tips to clean his ears and left most of the cotton wool in! The first time he was mortified, the second time he didn’t believe us for an hour!
    Mara recently posted…SummerMy Profile

  4. My girls love Fancy Nancy. My girls have not tried the facial recipe, but love to twirl my curls like the main character’s hair. I usually end up with lots of knots and hubby cutting out hair ties.

    Glad to “hear” your ear is better. Sorry had to stick in that pun.
    Sharon, The Mayor recently posted…Summer Bucket List ItemMy Profile

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