Small Blogs Unite! {UBP14}

After blogging for almost six years, I’m still a small blogger. My stats are small. I read and enjoy every comment. (Except all the spammy ones. That’s what Aksimet is for!) I have never had a blog post or even a pin on Pinterest go “viral.” I’ve applied for blogging jobs and been rejected several times. I’m not a social media expert, and I don’t have a huge amount of followers. Some days I wonder why I like blogging so much.

Even though I’ve had some rejection, I keep plugging away. I’ve had some success, too. In 2013, I was so lucky to have two of my stories published in The Mother of All Meltdowns and Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dating Game. I was also chosen by BlogHer as a Heart Voice of the Year after submitting a story on a whim. What will 2014 bring? Maybe nothing. Maybe something.

Looking forward to the “maybe something” part of life is exciting, don’t you think?

One of the reasons I love 5 Minutes for Mom is that they continue to support bloggers like you and me. This is the fifth time I’ve participated in the Ultimate Blog Party–at least, I think it’s the fifth year. Every year I meet some amazing bloggers who are plugging away (sweating away? laboring away? obsessing away?) at blogging just like me!

I would love to connect with you on Twitter, Facebook, and even Google+. If you’d like to learn more about me, go to my “About Me” page.

Tell me, why do you blog?

Ultimate Blog Party 2014


41 Replies to “Small Blogs Unite! {UBP14}”

  1. I’m so glad we met on Twitter tonight Ginny – it’s not the size of your blog or the number of followers that matter, it’s the impact that you have on the people you reach!

    I’m a Chicken Soup For The Soul blogger and The Dating Game was the last book that I blogged about. Congrats on being published there! That was my husband’s first introduction to the series and he absolutely loved that book!

    I look forward to getting to know you and hope you’ll join us for some of our parties. We have an amazing community and I feature a variety of posts (including written features) each week at Inspire Me Monday! 🙂
    Create With Joy recently posted…2014 Ultimate Blog PartyMy Profile

    1. I’m so glad you husband loved the book! To be honest, my husband hasn’t even read the book. But he has read my story, and he had to approve it before I submitted it!

      I’m looking forward to following your blog; I just added it to my BlogLovin’ feed!
      Ginny Marie recently posted…Staycation! {Spin Cycle}My Profile

  2. You said it! I’ve never gone viral either. Blogging is just something I can’t quit. I love writing and if a few people get something out of my ideas, I’m happy.

    I believe I met you years ago through the UBP. See, this is why blogging is fun – I have made connections with other bloggers. I always enjoy reading your blog.

  3. Lately, I’ve been asking myself why I blog when I don’t have that many followers and my stats arent high. After a minute of misery, I shake it off and tell myself that I blog because it is my escape and I love doing it.
    Abigail recently posted…Ultimate Blog Party 2014My Profile

  4. I understand where your are coming from. I am a small blogger too. If I was a stay at home mom I could probably get it to grow more. I blog mainly because I love the connections I have with other bloggers. I feel like I have a whole group of girlfriends that I chat with. I would like to make a little money too.
    Kristina Walters @ Kris On Fitness recently posted…Staycations – The SpinMy Profile

    1. You may be a small blogger, but I love your blog! I’m so, so happy that we connected this year! I definitely thing of you as one of my girlfriends. 🙂

      The money part would be nice too. I made just enough in 2013 to pay for my website. In other words, not very much!
      Ginny Marie recently posted…Staycation! {Spin Cycle}My Profile

  5. My main reason for blogging is to share our life and connect with others. I am really trying to focus on getting more comments on the blog. I did lose my passion for awhile and took a hiatus and am now starting to find my way back. I got lots of good things saved in the draft folder to work on.
    Nolie recently posted…Ultimate Blog Party 2014My Profile

  6. I blog to share information. I truly love the connections I have made as a result of blogging. I try not to get too caught up in SEO too much, I want to write in my natural voice. I enjoyed your post on the Sears tower (I still think of it as that) those ledges are kind of freaky. I hope to visit Chicago one day as I have never been. Hope you enjoyed getting out in the sun with your children today!
    Raquel @ Organized Island recently posted…Spring Cleaning – Magazine OrganizationMy Profile

    1. That’s one reason I don’t do many sponsored posts, Raquel! I feel like I lose my voice when I’m trying to sell something. Some people do really well at writing those kinds of posts!

      Chicago is a great place to visit! The ledges are pretty freaky, but the view was fantastic!

  7. Hi! I am just lik you a small scale blogger, but I love the blogging, the interaction and the commenting:) This is my first time joining UBP14, and I think it is an excellent idea:) Great to meet you and I will gladly check back on your blog!
    Linda recently posted…Waterfront in StockholmMy Profile

  8. Hi,
    Dropping in through UBP 2014.

    To answer your question, “Why do you blog?”. I am a retired teacher with a lot of attachment to all those years I spent with kids and all those boxes and boxes of materials that I had stored up in my garage. I just couldn’t part with them. My son who also has an interest in education, suggested we start blogging. I could find a way to share what I learned and help other parents and teachers in the process. Then I could start to let go of all those physical materials that I had accumulated through the years since I had made a record of them.

    We’re still small but hope to grow our readership by getting the work out and keeping high standards.I look forward to your visiting back.

  9. Dropping in through UBP 2014.

    Why am I blogging? My son and I started as a way of sharing our combined teaching experience with parents and other teachers.

    Also, an ulterior motive, is to make a record of all the activities, the lesson plans and the educational background and knowledge that I built up over 20 years.

    Enjoyed your site. Looking forward to your visit to mine.
    Karen O’Hanlon recently posted…Welcome, Ultimate Blog Partyers of 2014!My Profile

    1. I understand exactly where you are coming from! I taught second grade for 12 years, and third grade for 1 year. I have a basement full of my teaching files and books, ready for me to go back into teaching! I left my job to become a stay-at-home mom when my 9 year old daughter was born, and now I’m a part time preschool teacher. Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll be sure to visit your blog!
      Ginny Marie recently posted…Ten Things in My CarMy Profile

        1. Hi, Karen! I logged in under Twitter and left a comment on your blog earlier today, but it must not have gone through. I’ll try again!

  10. Ginny thanks for stopping by! I’ve been blogging since 2000 and the only “popular” post I have had on Pinterest has been one for grapes coated in Jell-O. Sigh… But I love blogging and I think I do it because I’ve met so many great people this way!
    Carol recently posted…Ultimate Blog Party 2014 #UPB14My Profile

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